Prevent Osteoporosis: 2 Ways To Save Your Life
Actually, the best way to cure osteoporosis is to prevent it.
The earlier you start preventing it, the better.
This is because osteoporosis causes your bones to lose its mass and density.
Therefore, if you have first developed thick and dense bones when you were younger, you will have an easier time surviving the dreaded condition.
What if you are not young and in your 40s or 50s? Well, there is still hope.
All hope is only lost if your mind decides so.
Exercising regularly, the right way The best exercise is lifting weights.
Why is this? Well, when you exercise with weights, you are causing stress to your bones, which is a good thing because it promotes the bones to hold on to the calcium.
Specifically, when you perform weight training, your muscles stress the bones.
Therefore, calcium returns to your bones this way.
When your bones have more calcium, they are stronger.
This makes lifting weights an excellent way to build both your bones and muscles, as well as giving you a seductive body shape.
But you must also avoid certain exercises.
For example, stay away from high-impact exercises like jumping rope or jogging.
This also includes exercises that require you to bend or twist your bones too much.
If you are ever in doubt, you should always ask your doctor.
Eating the right nutrients and supplements There are 2 ways your body can maintain a healthy set of bones.
They are eating the right food and the suitable supplements.
In fact, you should obtain all of your nutrients in the form of natural and whole foods.
This is simply because your body is designed to digest them.
Most importantly, you have to eat foods high in calcium like eggs, fish, soy beans and green vegetables.
However, you shouldn't overload your body with calcium too.
When it comes to calcium, you must maintain a balance.
If you disrespect that balance by eating too little or too much calcium, you will pay for the price.
How much calcium is enough for one day? The rule of thumb is 600 to 700 milligrams of calcium per day.
The earlier you start preventing it, the better.
This is because osteoporosis causes your bones to lose its mass and density.
Therefore, if you have first developed thick and dense bones when you were younger, you will have an easier time surviving the dreaded condition.
What if you are not young and in your 40s or 50s? Well, there is still hope.
All hope is only lost if your mind decides so.
Exercising regularly, the right way The best exercise is lifting weights.
Why is this? Well, when you exercise with weights, you are causing stress to your bones, which is a good thing because it promotes the bones to hold on to the calcium.
Specifically, when you perform weight training, your muscles stress the bones.
Therefore, calcium returns to your bones this way.
When your bones have more calcium, they are stronger.
This makes lifting weights an excellent way to build both your bones and muscles, as well as giving you a seductive body shape.
But you must also avoid certain exercises.
For example, stay away from high-impact exercises like jumping rope or jogging.
This also includes exercises that require you to bend or twist your bones too much.
If you are ever in doubt, you should always ask your doctor.
Eating the right nutrients and supplements There are 2 ways your body can maintain a healthy set of bones.
They are eating the right food and the suitable supplements.
In fact, you should obtain all of your nutrients in the form of natural and whole foods.
This is simply because your body is designed to digest them.
Most importantly, you have to eat foods high in calcium like eggs, fish, soy beans and green vegetables.
However, you shouldn't overload your body with calcium too.
When it comes to calcium, you must maintain a balance.
If you disrespect that balance by eating too little or too much calcium, you will pay for the price.
How much calcium is enough for one day? The rule of thumb is 600 to 700 milligrams of calcium per day.