The Next Generation of Hair Loss Treatments
Recent Scientific discoveries in the field of stem cells, tissue regeneration and growth factors will on day make hair loss a thing of the past.
As you read this there a hundreds of companies in the race to be the first to provide a consistent and safe solution to the problem of hair loss.
The problem with scientific breakthroughs is that they can take years, even decades, before they are turned into a product and become available to the public; if at all! Large Corporations and Biotechs have ridiculous amounts of legal and regulatory hoops to jump through before they can turn a new discovery into a product.
They are still years away from bringing their new ground breaking treatments to market! Luckily the internet has provided immediate and easy access to the scientific discoveries and patents for future hair loss cures that large corporations and biotechs are working on, but will not be commercially available for years! Read that sentence again.
And one more time to let it soak in! Companies must register their patents for upcoming hair loss treatments, effectively placing the blueprint to their products in the public domain! And individuals armed with this information and their collective resources simply do not have the same hurdles.
This is where on-line communities have the upper hand.
Men and women from every country and every walk of life; doctors, lawyers, scientists, CEO's, entrepreneurs and average Joe's have been experimenting and collaborating together to find what works and what doesn't for hair loss.
And the results have been simply astounding! These groups are literally years ahead of the curve! They are dissecting the information provided in the patents and scientific studies and literally creating and applying the discoveries in the comfort of their own homes! Every once in a while there is an event that shifts boundaries and redefines an industry.
This is it for Hair Loss!
As you read this there a hundreds of companies in the race to be the first to provide a consistent and safe solution to the problem of hair loss.
The problem with scientific breakthroughs is that they can take years, even decades, before they are turned into a product and become available to the public; if at all! Large Corporations and Biotechs have ridiculous amounts of legal and regulatory hoops to jump through before they can turn a new discovery into a product.
They are still years away from bringing their new ground breaking treatments to market! Luckily the internet has provided immediate and easy access to the scientific discoveries and patents for future hair loss cures that large corporations and biotechs are working on, but will not be commercially available for years! Read that sentence again.
And one more time to let it soak in! Companies must register their patents for upcoming hair loss treatments, effectively placing the blueprint to their products in the public domain! And individuals armed with this information and their collective resources simply do not have the same hurdles.
This is where on-line communities have the upper hand.
Men and women from every country and every walk of life; doctors, lawyers, scientists, CEO's, entrepreneurs and average Joe's have been experimenting and collaborating together to find what works and what doesn't for hair loss.
And the results have been simply astounding! These groups are literally years ahead of the curve! They are dissecting the information provided in the patents and scientific studies and literally creating and applying the discoveries in the comfort of their own homes! Every once in a while there is an event that shifts boundaries and redefines an industry.
This is it for Hair Loss!