Code of Ethics of the Society of Professional Journalists
- The preamble of the code of ethics states that the Society of Professional Journalists believes the free flow of information is the key to our democracy. Journalists are responsible for seeking truthful information and providing a fair accounting to the citizens of this nation. A journalist's credibility lies solely in the honesty and integrity of the professional.
- The code of ethics requires journalists to vigorously gather information and report it accurately. Journalists should identify sources whenever possible, as the public has a right to the information. They should also seek out responses from individuals who are involved with issues of the day, especially those accused of wrongdoing. Journalists should never distort content, misrepresent information or plagiarize material, and they should be the voice for those that are not being heard.
- All journalists must treat their subjects and sources with respect. It is acceptable to show compassion and sensitivity when dealing with certain sources or topics, such as with children or victims of violence. Journalists must be cognizant of private individuals' right to privacy, as well as the importance of protecting the information of juveniles and of victims of sexual crimes.
- The only obligation a journalist should feel is to the people to whom she is reporting. The public's right to know trumps all other interests. Journalists may not accept gifts or be associated with any group or activity that can damage their credibility. If a conflict of interest does exist, it is a journalist's responsibility to disclose it.
- A journalist is accountable to the public. Therefore, it is a journalist's duty to explain or clarify the news and create a dialogue with the public. If mistakes are made, a journalist must correct them. News organizations should provide a way for others to voice grievances against them and the stories they have reported. Journalists should live up to the same standards they hold others to and should expose other journalists who are engaged in unethical behaviors.
Report the Truth
Minimize Harm