Motorcycle Laws Regarding Headsets
- Motorcycle riders who wear headsets may be breaking the enjoying a motorcycle ride in the city image by alma_sacra from
Motorcycle headset laws were created to increase the overall safety on the road. The laws regarding motorcycle riders wearing a headset while their vehicle is in motion varies from state to state, but most require the rider to be able to hear all surrounding sounds on the road and to have at least one ear uncovered at all times. Anyone wishing to wear a headset while traveling on a motorcycle should check their state laws before doing so. - Laws vary from state to state in regard to motorcycle riders wearing headsets. In Florida, for example, motorcycle operators are prohibited from wearing a headset while the vehicle is in motion except if the headset is a hearing device. The California Vehicle Code prohibits motorcycle riders from wearing any type of headset that covers both ears. However, there are exceptions to headset laws in these, and other states. For example, Florida riders may wear a helmet that has a headset built into it as long as the speakers do not cover the ears, preventing the rider from hearing all surrounding sounds on the road. Also, headsets may be worn to communicate with a cellphone, as long as one ear remains uncovered. Again, this allows the rider to be aware of all sounds surrounding them. Law enforcement officials who use motorcycles as their form of transportation are not prohibited from using headsets to carry out their duties.
- During the 1980s, the Georgia legislation rejected a bill, House Bill 51, that would make headsets and headphones legal to wear for those riding a motorcycle. Those in support of the bill stated the use of headsets would allow them to communicate with other motorcycle riders on the road and, as a result, make the roads safer. However, the bill did not garnish enough support and eventually died. A few years later though another bill, similar to House Bill 51, was introduced and eventually passed. Under the guidelines of the new legislation in Georgia, motorcycle riders were allowed to wear headsets for communication purposes only.
- The penalties for wearing a headset while operating a motorcycle in states that don't allow it vary. For example, anyone in Louisiana convicted of illegally wearing a headset will be fined $25 per offense, as well as the fees attached for court costs. Under Louisiana, a headset is defined as any device, other than a hearing aid, that is inserted in, or in any way covers, both ears. Any type of listening device, such as headphones, are considered headsets in Louisiana as well. In California, any motorcycle rider who illegally wears a headset while their vehicle is in motion will be fined $108. This fine will double if the violation takes place in a construction zone.
The Law