Betta Fish Care - Requirements For Tank Set Up
You're walking along the aisles of your local pet store and you eye the most beautiful male betta fish you've ever seen.
What do you do? If you're like many people, you buy one.
And then you ask the question: Now what? You'll find that caring for your pet fish is rather simple, but for proper betta fish care, you will need to buy a few items.
First, you'll need a tank.
You want to make sure he has at least 3 gallons to himself.
He needs room to swim.
Make sure to buy a heater for the tank.
These are tropical fish and are healthiest in water 78 to 80 degrees.
It goes without saying that you'd need a thermometer to ensure your tank is maintaining a proper temperature.
Larger tanks generally need water movement so the water is evenly heated.
A fish tank filter is perfect for this job.
You can use tap water to fill your fish tank, but don't put him in just yet! Most tap water has at least one form of chlorine added to it.
Letting water sit for a day does remove chlorine, but if your water supply contains chloramine, you haven't done enough for your fish.
Buy water conditioner for freshwater tanks.
It protects your fish from all forms of chlorine and he can be put in the tank immediately.
Most small fish tanks require weekly water changes.
To ensure your tank water quality is satisfactory, however, you should test your water daily at first.
A water test kit is your best option.
They're far more economical than the water test strips.
Test the water daily until you get to know your fish.
Don't forget food for your fish! They like to eat.
My fish prefer pellets.
These are designed specifically for your fish (chock full of protein).
Which food you choose is less important than making sure you do not overfeed.
Feeding your pet fish too much food can cause constipation! This list is the minimum requirement for betta fish care.
There is one optional item that I recommend, however.
Like all wild animals, your pet needs to feel safe while he sleeps.
Please provide something in the tank for this purpose.
Some fishkeepers prefer to buy caves or some other fun decoration.
After all, once your betta fish tank is set up, you want to enjoy watching your beautiful new fish!
What do you do? If you're like many people, you buy one.
And then you ask the question: Now what? You'll find that caring for your pet fish is rather simple, but for proper betta fish care, you will need to buy a few items.
First, you'll need a tank.
You want to make sure he has at least 3 gallons to himself.
He needs room to swim.
Make sure to buy a heater for the tank.
These are tropical fish and are healthiest in water 78 to 80 degrees.
It goes without saying that you'd need a thermometer to ensure your tank is maintaining a proper temperature.
Larger tanks generally need water movement so the water is evenly heated.
A fish tank filter is perfect for this job.
You can use tap water to fill your fish tank, but don't put him in just yet! Most tap water has at least one form of chlorine added to it.
Letting water sit for a day does remove chlorine, but if your water supply contains chloramine, you haven't done enough for your fish.
Buy water conditioner for freshwater tanks.
It protects your fish from all forms of chlorine and he can be put in the tank immediately.
Most small fish tanks require weekly water changes.
To ensure your tank water quality is satisfactory, however, you should test your water daily at first.
A water test kit is your best option.
They're far more economical than the water test strips.
Test the water daily until you get to know your fish.
Don't forget food for your fish! They like to eat.
My fish prefer pellets.
These are designed specifically for your fish (chock full of protein).
Which food you choose is less important than making sure you do not overfeed.
Feeding your pet fish too much food can cause constipation! This list is the minimum requirement for betta fish care.
There is one optional item that I recommend, however.
Like all wild animals, your pet needs to feel safe while he sleeps.
Please provide something in the tank for this purpose.
Some fishkeepers prefer to buy caves or some other fun decoration.
After all, once your betta fish tank is set up, you want to enjoy watching your beautiful new fish!