PC Hardware Troubleshooting Tips
- Reboot the computer. Many device problems, such as an incorrectly operating device or an unresponsive device, can be corrected by simply rebooting the machine to refresh the memory and system resources that are used to communicate between the CPU and the devices connected to the computer.
- Verify that the device is properly connected to the computer. Check the USB, IDE, serial and power cables for an unresponsive or nonfunctioning device. Reconnect any loose cables by pushing them in gently but tightly, as well as tightly but gently screwing in any connectors such as serial monitor, printer cable or mouse and keyboard.
- Check the device manufacturer's website for updated drivers and firmware for a device that has become unreliable, unresponsive or unusable. Updating to the latest version of the device driver and firmware provides you with the latest version of the device software that communicates with the system resources such as memory, the hard drive and CPU.
- Recurrent problems with a device indicate that the device should be replaced. Many devices are easy to replace by installing and connecting the new device in place of the old device.
Device Driver