Star Shapes for Art Projects
- Gold stars are a common symbol for success or superior value.Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
Stars can symbolize a whole wide range of things in art, depending on their particular shape, their size relative to the rest of the art project, their color and material, and their placement within the art project. In a more representational art project, stars may simply be a necessary addition to create a night time atmosphere, but they still symbolize something, whether it is night peace or a light in the darkness of the soul. Be creative and give star shapes new meanings, but keep in mind that traditional meaning for particular star shapes will remain in the eyes of the viewer. - You can purchase star shapes at art supply stores in the form of sequins, cutouts or stickers, but you can also purchase them at a number of other outlets, allow you to incorporate non-traditional art supplies into your project. Try antique stores, gift stores or thrift stores. Better yet, keep your eye open for recycled materials containing star imagery. You can cut out or remove the stars, and use them for your art project -- reusing materials instead of buying new is cheap and much more environmentally sound.
- This celestial ensemble's star is easy to piece to together from triangles.Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
You can also make your own star shapes using ink, paint, stencils, paper, cloth -- almost anything can be formed or reconfigured into a star shape. The best thing about making your own star shapes is that you can create unconventional stars to suit your project. Need a 9-pointed star? Create it using a ruler. Need a star that evokes softness? Create it using unspun wool. Need a star that represents awkwardness? Create an asymmetrical star freehand. - Empty space in an artwork is called "negative space," and can be quite striking if used well. Use negative space to create star shapes without the use of a single star. Do this by placing other figures or shapes everywhere except where you want the star to be. You will end up with an empty, star-shaped area that stands out to the viewer's eye. It may be challenging to attain negative space in a star shape at first, but if you plan carefully, and perhaps sketch your plan in pencil first, you'll become a master of creating star-shaped negative spaces.
Meaning of Star Shapes
Finding Star Shapes
Making Your Own Star Shapes
Negative Space Star Shapes