How to Build a Wood Dog Pen
- 1). Determine the best location for the dog pen. For a 5-by-10-foot pen, place wood stakes in the ground at all corners and then measure diagonally from one corner to the other. Adjust the stakes so that both diagonal measurements are equal to get it straight. Run a string line around the stakes to mark the perimeter of the pen. Place spray paint marks at each corner, and then measure 5 feet in on the longest sides to find the center for spraying for posts there.
- 2). Use a post hole digger to dig 8-inch diameter holes 1 foot deep at all sprayed marks. Place one treated 2-inch-by-4-inch-by-8-foot post into each hole. Orient the first hole so it is square with the shape of the pen. Pour dry concrete into the hole 2/3 of the way to the top. Use a level to position the posts squarely and brace them with scrap wood if necessary to hold it level. Spray the hole with a garden hose until there is standing water in the hole and let it drain down into the concrete. Allow the concrete to cure overnight.
- 3). Place a 2-inch-by-6-inch-by-10-foot board on the outside of the two 10-foot sides so the 2-inch side rests on the ground. Hammer 3-inch nails through the boards and into the posts until it is secure. Place boards all the way up the posts horizontally, leaving a 2-inch gap between the boards to allow for proper ventilation and view from the pen. Use a level to be sure the boards are going up evenly.
- 4). Cut 10-foot boards in half with a circular saw to get rails for one of the 5-foot sides. Construct it the same as the 10-foot sides, leaving the same 2-inch gaps between rails as you build toward the top.
- 5). Attach a 5-foot wide chain link gate to the pen by screwing hinges into one of the posts and hanging the gate on the hinges. Set a latch onto the other post so the gate will secure in place. Be sure the gate is near enough to the ground to keep the dog from digging under, but high enough that it swings open easily.