The Renewable Energies Heat Act
- This act was effective or all new construction built after Jan. 1, 2009. If contractors already had building permits prior to this date and all construction plans were finalized, they were exempt from following the guidelines of the act.
- Renewable energies are energy sources that will be available in the future. Renewable sources such as the sun and the solar energy it produces will not run out.. Geothermal systems are heating systems utilizing the ground's natural resource of heat causing this type of source to be an option for renewable energy. Biomass is another type, including vegetable oils and liquid manures.
- This act has three main aspects. New buildings are required to use renewable energies, but owners are allowed to choose their preferred method. The German government agrees to provide money continuously to develop the act's mission and helping citizens by offering incentives. This act also allows extension for heat grids; which are used for climate protection.
Effective Date