Get Paid to COACH? How to Become a Highly Paid Life Coach in 12 Months or Less (Starting Now)
Are you an aspiring coach, consultant or mentor? Do you have tons and tons of PASSION...
but find it tough to make a profit? Do you truly feel that your GREATEST gifts are helping others, offering advice, insight and enlightenment to people who will really benefit? What if I were to tell you that no matter HOW much you're struggling to make progress right now, you CAN build a full time coaching business from the comfort of home? Imagine what your life would look like if you had ALL the clients you could handle? Imagine how much contribution you could make...
how much of a difference you could offer and how many lives you could transform by doing what you LOVE while making a great living? If that sounds like YOU, here is EXACTLY what you need to do to start a coaching, consulting or mentorship program that WILL change your life.
Filed Under: The Strategy of Straight Lines 1 - Start a content creation campaign.
Write and submit articles, MUCH like "this" one, to the popular, high traffic article directories in your specific niche 2 - Create a "character" or the tone, tempo and tenor of your content.
Stand out - be wiling to say something different, embrace your eccentricities and don't be embarrassed to embellish your personality to win friends and fans.
(or eliminate the people who wouldn't enjoy your fun and playful side) 3 - Create a COMMUNITY of people who share your sense of passion, purpose and commitment.
(you do this by building a NEWSLETTER or subscriber base, and by creating a very specific sort of blog that fosters engagement and participation) 4 - Create a CURRICULUM you can sell.
Codify your content into something you can teach, preach or offer at a premium price point.
1 on 1 coaching, a group tele-class, or any "outrageous" offer that will make you money 5 - Create a compelling CONVERSATION with your community.
What you say, on your blog and in your newsletter or email sequence is the KEY to converting a percentage of your community into cash paying clients...
Get this right, you'll be swimming in the sweet sea of success.
Get it wrong...
and you'll be struggling to see over the dashboard of destitution, and unfortunately FAR too many coaches and consultants "drop the ball" here.
You CAN get paid to coach, and the simple steps above, while abbreviated for space, WILL work.
(they all can be yours...
and you CAN start today...
but find it tough to make a profit? Do you truly feel that your GREATEST gifts are helping others, offering advice, insight and enlightenment to people who will really benefit? What if I were to tell you that no matter HOW much you're struggling to make progress right now, you CAN build a full time coaching business from the comfort of home? Imagine what your life would look like if you had ALL the clients you could handle? Imagine how much contribution you could make...
how much of a difference you could offer and how many lives you could transform by doing what you LOVE while making a great living? If that sounds like YOU, here is EXACTLY what you need to do to start a coaching, consulting or mentorship program that WILL change your life.
Filed Under: The Strategy of Straight Lines 1 - Start a content creation campaign.
Write and submit articles, MUCH like "this" one, to the popular, high traffic article directories in your specific niche 2 - Create a "character" or the tone, tempo and tenor of your content.
Stand out - be wiling to say something different, embrace your eccentricities and don't be embarrassed to embellish your personality to win friends and fans.
(or eliminate the people who wouldn't enjoy your fun and playful side) 3 - Create a COMMUNITY of people who share your sense of passion, purpose and commitment.
(you do this by building a NEWSLETTER or subscriber base, and by creating a very specific sort of blog that fosters engagement and participation) 4 - Create a CURRICULUM you can sell.
Codify your content into something you can teach, preach or offer at a premium price point.
1 on 1 coaching, a group tele-class, or any "outrageous" offer that will make you money 5 - Create a compelling CONVERSATION with your community.
What you say, on your blog and in your newsletter or email sequence is the KEY to converting a percentage of your community into cash paying clients...
Get this right, you'll be swimming in the sweet sea of success.
Get it wrong...
and you'll be struggling to see over the dashboard of destitution, and unfortunately FAR too many coaches and consultants "drop the ball" here.
You CAN get paid to coach, and the simple steps above, while abbreviated for space, WILL work.
(they all can be yours...
and you CAN start today...