How to Obtain Your Credit Report Without Joining a Service
- 1). Go to Select your state and click "Request Report."
- 2). Enter your personal information in the required fields, type in the security code and click "Continue."
- 3). Select the credit companies from which you wish to receive a report; you can select one or all three. Click "Next." You will be transferred to the first credit reporting site you selected. Verify your personal information and click "Continue."
- 4). Verify your identity by correctly answering two personal financial questions and then click "Continue." Select "No, I want to see my credit report" when asked if you would like to pay a fee to see your credit score.
- 5). Click "View and print my credit report" to see your report. Select "Return to" at the top of the page if you choose to view more than one credit report. Repeat Step 4 for each report.