Obama Brings Transparency to America
Obama is taking a risk with his attempts to make government more transparent.
The risk is caused by the continued poisonous atmosphere that is still ongoing in the press and Washington.
The Obama Administration has created a website at Recovery.
gov to track how the money for The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is actually spent.
This a bold move considering it is very likely the numbers will never be 100% accurate.
There will be mistakes and government manipulation of the stats that might not fully disclose what is exactly happening.
This manipulation wont go on with Obama's knowledge and hopefully not the White House Staff, but at the agency level.
It wont usually be fraudulent, it just wont always be 100% accurate.
To make sure that it was 100% accurate would cause micro management on a scale not possible.
Also, that doesn't seem to be Obama's style.
Watching right leaning news channels and web sites one quickly sees manipulation of the facts to slant them in any way possible to the determent of the president and the Democrats.
Blagojevich is a good example, though an Illinois Democrat was the first to call for Burris' resignation, the right attacks it in a harsh way that is just not productive.
The situation will be handled, the attacks are just not necessary.
At the national level, it has received more attention that it deserves and the reason is political posturing.
An unsuccessful attempt by Republicans to draw the president into the matter.
Hopefully, Obama will continue to take the high road and not take the easy sucker punches that are out there.
Many people believe that war crimes and crimes against the US Constitution took place under the Bush Administration.
Obama could use this situation to put the Republicans on the defensive and keep them there for a significant time.
However, he chooses not to do that for political reasons.
He chooses to try to heal the deep wounds that have been a central part of Washington politics.
I believe wounds that have been present since the resignation of Richard Nixon.
So, we have another example of the change that is coming to America.
Obama keeps one of his promises to put more transparency in government actions.
He does so at significant political risk to himself.
This is the kind of behavior that makes me proud to be American.
I hope his boldness does not end up being his demise.
Either way, I hope he doesn't give up on his high minded ideas of true patriotism.
The risk is caused by the continued poisonous atmosphere that is still ongoing in the press and Washington.
The Obama Administration has created a website at Recovery.
gov to track how the money for The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is actually spent.
This a bold move considering it is very likely the numbers will never be 100% accurate.
There will be mistakes and government manipulation of the stats that might not fully disclose what is exactly happening.
This manipulation wont go on with Obama's knowledge and hopefully not the White House Staff, but at the agency level.
It wont usually be fraudulent, it just wont always be 100% accurate.
To make sure that it was 100% accurate would cause micro management on a scale not possible.
Also, that doesn't seem to be Obama's style.
Watching right leaning news channels and web sites one quickly sees manipulation of the facts to slant them in any way possible to the determent of the president and the Democrats.
Blagojevich is a good example, though an Illinois Democrat was the first to call for Burris' resignation, the right attacks it in a harsh way that is just not productive.
The situation will be handled, the attacks are just not necessary.
At the national level, it has received more attention that it deserves and the reason is political posturing.
An unsuccessful attempt by Republicans to draw the president into the matter.
Hopefully, Obama will continue to take the high road and not take the easy sucker punches that are out there.
Many people believe that war crimes and crimes against the US Constitution took place under the Bush Administration.
Obama could use this situation to put the Republicans on the defensive and keep them there for a significant time.
However, he chooses not to do that for political reasons.
He chooses to try to heal the deep wounds that have been a central part of Washington politics.
I believe wounds that have been present since the resignation of Richard Nixon.
So, we have another example of the change that is coming to America.
Obama keeps one of his promises to put more transparency in government actions.
He does so at significant political risk to himself.
This is the kind of behavior that makes me proud to be American.
I hope his boldness does not end up being his demise.
Either way, I hope he doesn't give up on his high minded ideas of true patriotism.