How to Transfer a Plant From a Small Container to a Large Container
- 1). Prepare a new pot that is 2 inches larger than the plant's current pot. Place a piece of broken clay pot over the drainage holes so the soil doesn't wash out then place 1 to 2 inches of fresh potting soil in the bottom of the pot.
- 2). Grasp the plant around the stem near the soil level. Thump the sides of the pot with your hand to loosen the plant's root ball in the pot. Pull the pot off the root ball.
- 3). Set the plant into the new pot. Position it so that the top of the root ball is 1 inch beneath the rim of the new pot. Place more soil under it if necessary to hold it at this depth.
- 4). Fill in around the sides of the plant with potting soil. Thump the sides of the pot as you fill it to help the soil settle. Fill until you reach the top of the root ball. Avoid covering the top with new soil, as the plant should be re-potted at the same depth it was in its previous pot.
- 5). Water the plant from the top until the excess water begins draining from the bottom of the pot. This collapses any air pockets around the roots of the plant, allowing the plant to immediately begin taking in moisture and nutrients.