Private Baby Dedication Ideas
- Some baby dedications include a "sprinkling," or baptism, while others do not.Digital Vision/Valueline/Getty Images
If having your baby dedication in a church or your family's church is important to you, you can still have a private ceremony. Contact the church office, and discuss your desire for a private baby dedication ceremony with the clergy. Just as churches hold private wedding services, they are also able to hold private dedications according to the availability of their facility. If the clergy is willing to conduct a private ceremony, discuss any costs you may incur in association with facility and the procedure for securing a date. Then set up a meeting with the church staff or clergy to discuss the details of the service itself. - Dedications are a celebration that frequently includes food or even a full meal.Thomas Jackson/Lifesize/Getty Images
For a very private and intimate baby dedication, hold the ceremony and celebration at your home or in the home of a close relative. Contact your clergy in advance to discuss their willingness to perform the ceremony at the location you've chosen. While having a minister or priest perform the dedication is traditional, the ceremony is a symbolic one that can also be performed by a trusted family member or friend. An at-home dedication may allow you the flexibility of an indoor or outdoor service. Plan a reception or time of refreshment after the service for attendees to celebrate together. - While moving your private dedication to a separate location may present more logistical issues, it can be special and symbolic to choose a venue that has particular meaning to you as a couple or to your family. The venue could be a meaningful park, a museum or a special location on a college campus. Many public facilities offer procedures to rent or reserve a private area of their facility or campus for private events. Contact the venue in question, and discuss what facility availability they have and the associated costs before scheduling your service. Then arrange for a clergy member, relative or friend to perform the ceremony.
- For large but still private celebrations, consider renting a banquet hall.Jupiterimages/ Images
Many families associate food and meals with special events, so holding your baby dedication in a private banquet room at your favorite restaurant may be the element that helps make your celebration more special. If your favorite restaurant doesn't have a private room and your budget allows, consider renting out the restaurant for a lunch or dinner. If the restaurant you select has an outdoor area, you may have an option for an outdoor celebration. Make sure to prepare adequate directions to the restaurant for all of your dedication attendees.
Church Dedication
Home Dedication
Symbolic Venue
Banquet Celebration