Natural Cures for a Sore Throat
- Gargling with a glass of warm water, mixed with about half a teaspoon worth of table salt, will cleanse the mucus out of your throat. Spit the water out when you're done gargling: don't swallow it.
- Honey helps to coat the sore throat while lemon juice breaks up the mucus. Mix them both in a glass of hot water, and wait for it to cool before drinking it.
- A humidifier reduces dryness in the air, which in turn reduces the irritation in the throat. It can work especially well at night, helping you to sleep better.
- Talking puts strain on your larynx and makes the sore throat worse. Refrain from speaking unless it is absolutely necessary.
- Avoid igarette smoke and fumes from household chemicals when you have a sore throat. Stay away from smokers and refrain from smoking yourself until your sore throat is better.
Salt Water
Honey and Lemon Juice
Don't Speak
Clean Air