Feeding Betta Fish - Dos and Donts
Aside from your Betta fish's tank, one of the most important aspects of taking care of your little friend is feeding Betta fish.
This is crucial because it helps to set the tone for your fish's health.
A sick and stressed out fish is much more difficult to care for than a robust and healthy one.
So, now that you have a new little friend to take care of, you have probably asked yourself what are some important tips to feeding your fish? Here are some basic tips for you to know about feeding Betta fish: 1.
Select the appropriate food.
Bettas are picky eaters so be sure to pick and stick with a food your little guy likes.
You can get Betta specific fish pellets at the store which are fine.
Your little buddy will love frozen/live food such as brine shrimp and bloodworms.
Do not over feed your Betta.
You can feed them small amounts of food several times a day.
This is preferable to one big meal.
They will only eat their fill and nothing more.
If you overfeed, you will find yourself having to clean their water more frequently due to the excess food pollution in their tank.
Be sure to clean out the excess food because it will begin to rot which can cause additional problems for your Betta such as illness.
Preferably your Betta fish feed from the top of the tank.
The best way to feed them is by getting their attention.
Once they come to the top of the tank and are interested in what you have, drop some food in and watch them feed.
If they chomp it all up quickly, then drop some more in but less than before.
Remember, they will only eat their fill, so any excess should be sucked out.
When feeding Betta, note where the uneaten food drops and watch your fish.
If he doesn't eat after about fifteen to twenty minutes, go ahead and suck the food out using the baster.
This will help to lower contamination in the tank.
Feeding Betta fish can be very simple if you follow these basic tips.
You can find more information about feeding your Betta fish and taking excellent care of your Betta here.
This is crucial because it helps to set the tone for your fish's health.
A sick and stressed out fish is much more difficult to care for than a robust and healthy one.
So, now that you have a new little friend to take care of, you have probably asked yourself what are some important tips to feeding your fish? Here are some basic tips for you to know about feeding Betta fish: 1.
Select the appropriate food.
Bettas are picky eaters so be sure to pick and stick with a food your little guy likes.
You can get Betta specific fish pellets at the store which are fine.
Your little buddy will love frozen/live food such as brine shrimp and bloodworms.
Do not over feed your Betta.
You can feed them small amounts of food several times a day.
This is preferable to one big meal.
They will only eat their fill and nothing more.
If you overfeed, you will find yourself having to clean their water more frequently due to the excess food pollution in their tank.
Be sure to clean out the excess food because it will begin to rot which can cause additional problems for your Betta such as illness.
Preferably your Betta fish feed from the top of the tank.
The best way to feed them is by getting their attention.
Once they come to the top of the tank and are interested in what you have, drop some food in and watch them feed.
If they chomp it all up quickly, then drop some more in but less than before.
Remember, they will only eat their fill, so any excess should be sucked out.
When feeding Betta, note where the uneaten food drops and watch your fish.
If he doesn't eat after about fifteen to twenty minutes, go ahead and suck the food out using the baster.
This will help to lower contamination in the tank.
Feeding Betta fish can be very simple if you follow these basic tips.
You can find more information about feeding your Betta fish and taking excellent care of your Betta here.