Can Systemic Candida Yeast Infections Be Cured? A Success Story
This article will answer question about systemic candida yeast infection, and whether it can be cured or not.
The article is based on a friend's experience.
She had a 2 year case of systemic candida about 15 years ago and can tell you that you CAN get over it and eat anything you please.
She has had 15 years of eating all the sugar she wants, but it has caught up with her after a VERY stressful year (9 yrs daughter seriously injured/hospitalized, now father-in-law seriously failing for last 3 months).
After 3 months of vaginal yeast infections, she has taken Diflucan once per week for 5 weeks and has also tried the diet.
She cuts out all sugar, fruit, refined carbs for about 2 - 2 1/2 weeks, and the itch went away.
Then her resolve began slipping as the vaginal itch was her only complaint.
2-3 days into eating something sweet, the itching back again! (She is back on the diet with resolve).
She also takes Natra-Bio Candida Relief homeopathic pills 4xdaily or hourly when she is itching, Primadophilis enteric coated pills 1-3x daily, 1 multivitamin, 400 mg.
vitamin E, 1000 mg.
Vitamin C, 10,000 mg Vitamin A, St.
Johns Wort 2xdaily, echinachea if she is fighting a cold.
She also drinks Pau Darco tea, but not regularly and use it to douche with if she is really itching.
This does give instant relief to itching, but nothing seems to be killing the yeast this time.
She also bought a big bottle of garlic that is enteric coated, but still smells.
She has taken it for 3 days, but if she starts smelling garlicky, she will stop.
There is nothing worse to her than garlic breath.
15 years ago she took a liquid Nystatin powder in water 3xdaily and followed a very low carbs diet for 3 weeks and she was cured.
She remembers not being able to follow the diet any longer (too low carbs), but it cured her.
Around that time in her life, she was a literal mess and was seriously depressed, was anorexic/bulimic, was diagnosed with many food allergies and no stomach acid.
But she has completely recovered and lived a normal life, had 2 wonderful children and has enjoyed good health since then (despite going back to sugar).
The article is based on a friend's experience.
She had a 2 year case of systemic candida about 15 years ago and can tell you that you CAN get over it and eat anything you please.
She has had 15 years of eating all the sugar she wants, but it has caught up with her after a VERY stressful year (9 yrs daughter seriously injured/hospitalized, now father-in-law seriously failing for last 3 months).
After 3 months of vaginal yeast infections, she has taken Diflucan once per week for 5 weeks and has also tried the diet.
She cuts out all sugar, fruit, refined carbs for about 2 - 2 1/2 weeks, and the itch went away.
Then her resolve began slipping as the vaginal itch was her only complaint.
2-3 days into eating something sweet, the itching back again! (She is back on the diet with resolve).
She also takes Natra-Bio Candida Relief homeopathic pills 4xdaily or hourly when she is itching, Primadophilis enteric coated pills 1-3x daily, 1 multivitamin, 400 mg.
vitamin E, 1000 mg.
Vitamin C, 10,000 mg Vitamin A, St.
Johns Wort 2xdaily, echinachea if she is fighting a cold.
She also drinks Pau Darco tea, but not regularly and use it to douche with if she is really itching.
This does give instant relief to itching, but nothing seems to be killing the yeast this time.
She also bought a big bottle of garlic that is enteric coated, but still smells.
She has taken it for 3 days, but if she starts smelling garlicky, she will stop.
There is nothing worse to her than garlic breath.
15 years ago she took a liquid Nystatin powder in water 3xdaily and followed a very low carbs diet for 3 weeks and she was cured.
She remembers not being able to follow the diet any longer (too low carbs), but it cured her.
Around that time in her life, she was a literal mess and was seriously depressed, was anorexic/bulimic, was diagnosed with many food allergies and no stomach acid.
But she has completely recovered and lived a normal life, had 2 wonderful children and has enjoyed good health since then (despite going back to sugar).