How to Create a Neighborhood Crime Watch
- 1). Form a small committee made up of individual neighbors to determine if an interest is there and if a watch is needed.
- 2). Contact the local police department to understand the criminal activity in the community. Ask the police liaison to attend the meeting. It is essential to have the police involved in the watch to share information and provide support and training.
- 3). Select a date, time, and place of the first meeting. Print fliers and deliver door to door at least one week ahead of time.
- 4). Establish the neighborhood's needs and interest at the meeting. Explain to the members what can be done to reduce crime and how they can contribute to the watch group.
- 5). Elect a chairman to head the group and be in charge of setting up activities. The chairman should be well organized and have the time to dedicate to the group.
- 6). Select block captains to be in charge of informing the community of meeting times and activities..
- 7). Set up training for the chairman and block captains with the police liaison.
- 8). Establish a monthly meeting time and be sure to have the meetings in a place large enough to hold all who wish to attend.
- 9). Keep the watch connected by holding social gatherings and events. The watch needs to become a close knit community. Group activities will keep the members interested and engaged.