Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill: Book Review
Napoleon Hill was the author of the book "Think and Grow Rich".
Hill was a journalist.
He was asked to interview Andrew Carnegie, one of the richest men in the world at that time.
Carnegie asked Hill whether he could write a success blueprint.
He was given the contact of hundreds of the most powerful men of the time.
This list included Henry Ford, Thomas Alva Edison, John D Rockefeller and others.
He wrote the book and it became the best seller and led to millions of people benefiting from it.
The first edition came out in 1937 and there has been lot of editions by Hill and other authors, since.
The 1937 book, even though not publicised, sold 5000 copies just by word of mouth in the first 6 weeks.
10,000 copies were printed and all the copies sold out in the next 6 weeks.
In the third print totalled 20,000 copies.
The book talks about the mindset people should adopt in order to be successful.
It teaches how successful people think and how to think your way into becoming rich.
He studied various people and consolidated the information into 16 "laws" which could be applied to achieve success.
The book talks about a variety of techniques successful people employ to stay successful.
It encourages people to imagine and picture exactly what they want.
The book talks about how people attract things towards their life.
One of the main secrets the book talks about is that successful people tend to surround themselves with great people.
It talks about the importance of having a group of like-minded people around you who are willing to help you in the time of need.
This group is referred to as a mastermind.
Yet another quality it refers to is about the determination.
It also talks about the desire to achieve.
Persistence and ability to take decisions are one of the key attributes of successful people.
Many people have ideas that can change the world, but fail to take action.
It also suggests that specialised knowledge is needed to succeed.
However, do not be alarmed.
You don't need to have specialised knowledge.
It is important that you surround yourself with people who have specialised specialised specialised.
In the book there are two principles that are proven to be the most important.
They are 1) The mastermind principle (where people in groups discuss about their problems and support each other in finding solutions) and 2) Know where you are going.
Hence the book details how you can develop the millionaire mind and how you can think your way into becoming rich.
It may seem quite unreasonable to any listener at first.
This book has helped a lot of people obtain the success they require and hence is surely worth a read, if not many.
Hill was a journalist.
He was asked to interview Andrew Carnegie, one of the richest men in the world at that time.
Carnegie asked Hill whether he could write a success blueprint.
He was given the contact of hundreds of the most powerful men of the time.
This list included Henry Ford, Thomas Alva Edison, John D Rockefeller and others.
He wrote the book and it became the best seller and led to millions of people benefiting from it.
The first edition came out in 1937 and there has been lot of editions by Hill and other authors, since.
The 1937 book, even though not publicised, sold 5000 copies just by word of mouth in the first 6 weeks.
10,000 copies were printed and all the copies sold out in the next 6 weeks.
In the third print totalled 20,000 copies.
The book talks about the mindset people should adopt in order to be successful.
It teaches how successful people think and how to think your way into becoming rich.
He studied various people and consolidated the information into 16 "laws" which could be applied to achieve success.
The book talks about a variety of techniques successful people employ to stay successful.
It encourages people to imagine and picture exactly what they want.
The book talks about how people attract things towards their life.
One of the main secrets the book talks about is that successful people tend to surround themselves with great people.
It talks about the importance of having a group of like-minded people around you who are willing to help you in the time of need.
This group is referred to as a mastermind.
Yet another quality it refers to is about the determination.
It also talks about the desire to achieve.
Persistence and ability to take decisions are one of the key attributes of successful people.
Many people have ideas that can change the world, but fail to take action.
It also suggests that specialised knowledge is needed to succeed.
However, do not be alarmed.
You don't need to have specialised knowledge.
It is important that you surround yourself with people who have specialised specialised specialised.
In the book there are two principles that are proven to be the most important.
They are 1) The mastermind principle (where people in groups discuss about their problems and support each other in finding solutions) and 2) Know where you are going.
Hence the book details how you can develop the millionaire mind and how you can think your way into becoming rich.
It may seem quite unreasonable to any listener at first.
This book has helped a lot of people obtain the success they require and hence is surely worth a read, if not many.