If You Feel Broke Now, Just Wait There"s More!
MONEY! Think about it...
How does that word "Money" make you Feel? Anxious? Frustrated? The subject of money, just like any subject can conjure up feelings that we associate with that subject.
It has been proven that our thoughts will cause us to feel in a certain way and these feelings that come from those thoughts (good or bad) manifest those results in our life.
Have I completely confused you? Good, that means your still reading.
Maybe this will clarify.
If I ask the question, getting back to the subject of Money.
Why are 80% of Americans broke? What would you say? This is what I have learned in my research on this subject.
If you asked one of these financially struggling Americans to talk about their money, do you think they would smile when they think about the role money plays in their life? No, because If they think that life is financially hard then that's how they feel.
If that's how they feel then their relationship with Money stinks and that will manifest itself over and over again creating more poverty in their life.
The only way a poverty stricken individual can change their life is by changing their relationship with money and how he/she thinks about money.
This person probably doesn't know it but subconsciously they may even have a fear of money! Now I'm sure they would say I am wrong, However, where do the thoughts and comments like the following come from: 1.
I'm afraid to have a lot of money because I need to protect myself from the terrible disappointment that would come from losing it.
Oh I'm not smart enough to do the things that would generate a lot of money.
Gee if I make a lot of money then I would be just be in a higher tax bracket and I pay enough right now! or..
I don't think I want the responsibility that comes with having a lot of money.
(Yep,that might lead to #1) or..
My favorite: 5.
If I had a lot of money I might want to buy things that would look like I was being extravagant and showing off and I don't think that would be very nice of me or Spiritual.
Shockingly enough the list of negative thoughts towards money goes on.
I bet you could think of one right now that would apply.
These are only a few ridiculous thoughts that keep people in their "Poverty Stricken Comfort Zone".
That sounds like an "oxymoron" if there ever was one.
How does one say Poverty Stricken and Comfort Zone in the same sentence and have it make any sense, better yet how does one live within those conflicting thoughts.
The really wonderful thing is, They don't have to.
There is a thought changing process that can change the relationship people have with money.
It 's true 80% of Americans today really don't have to be broke, they have chosen to live that way and don't even know it.
If anyone wants to make improvements financially or in any aspect of their life all they have to do is...
Think in a Certain Way! What do you Think about that? Be careful, "Thoughts Become the Things and Events in your life".
MONEY! Think about it...
How does that word "Money" make you Feel? Anxious? Frustrated? The subject of money, just like any subject can conjure up feelings that we associate with that subject.
It has been proven that our thoughts will cause us to feel in a certain way and these feelings that come from those thoughts (good or bad) manifest those results in our life.
Have I completely confused you? Good, that means your still reading.
Maybe this will clarify.
If I ask the question, getting back to the subject of Money.
Why are 80% of Americans broke? What would you say? This is what I have learned in my research on this subject.
If you asked one of these financially struggling Americans to talk about their money, do you think they would smile when they think about the role money plays in their life? No, because If they think that life is financially hard then that's how they feel.
If that's how they feel then their relationship with Money stinks and that will manifest itself over and over again creating more poverty in their life.
The only way a poverty stricken individual can change their life is by changing their relationship with money and how he/she thinks about money.
This person probably doesn't know it but subconsciously they may even have a fear of money! Now I'm sure they would say I am wrong, However, where do the thoughts and comments like the following come from: 1.
I'm afraid to have a lot of money because I need to protect myself from the terrible disappointment that would come from losing it.
Oh I'm not smart enough to do the things that would generate a lot of money.
Gee if I make a lot of money then I would be just be in a higher tax bracket and I pay enough right now! or..
I don't think I want the responsibility that comes with having a lot of money.
(Yep,that might lead to #1) or..
My favorite: 5.
If I had a lot of money I might want to buy things that would look like I was being extravagant and showing off and I don't think that would be very nice of me or Spiritual.
Shockingly enough the list of negative thoughts towards money goes on.
I bet you could think of one right now that would apply.
These are only a few ridiculous thoughts that keep people in their "Poverty Stricken Comfort Zone".
That sounds like an "oxymoron" if there ever was one.
How does one say Poverty Stricken and Comfort Zone in the same sentence and have it make any sense, better yet how does one live within those conflicting thoughts.
The really wonderful thing is, They don't have to.
There is a thought changing process that can change the relationship people have with money.
It 's true 80% of Americans today really don't have to be broke, they have chosen to live that way and don't even know it.
If anyone wants to make improvements financially or in any aspect of their life all they have to do is...
Think in a Certain Way! What do you Think about that? Be careful, "Thoughts Become the Things and Events in your life".