The missing secret to achieveing goals
The missing secret of achieving powerful goals
A short while ago I was introduced to a term called
The new years resolution syndrome
This term is used to describe the deflated attitude of many people who start a goal but for some reason never quite achieve it. In some way or another most people if not everybody has at some time in their life failed to reach a goal, failed to reach their dream, failed to succeed and I am sure we can all relate to the feeling of sadness that this became the result after so much of our hard effort. As a personal trainer for over 12 years I have seen this look in many peoples eyes day after day as they really want to lose those extra pounds or run that mile for their childrens school charity event. Some people in this world are blessed with pure determination or have learned how to overcome their challenges because they can draw on learned resources, but alas for many the feeling of almost helplessness and an I dont know what to do next feeling comes through their heart and they may be totally unaware of why!
However looking at this from a psychological point of view, is it any wonder why some people struggle when the education system will teach a child trigonometry and even Pythagoras but very little time (if any) is spent teaching young impressionable minds how to set goals, believe in themselves or achieve their dreams, it is not the person setting the goal who is limited it is purely the level of knowledge they have access to. From birth many of us are taught how to set goals based on money or weight loss/gain or other material goals and yes it is true that a high level of health and wealth are vital for us to feel secure in life but if full article at []
A short while ago I was introduced to a term called
The new years resolution syndrome
This term is used to describe the deflated attitude of many people who start a goal but for some reason never quite achieve it. In some way or another most people if not everybody has at some time in their life failed to reach a goal, failed to reach their dream, failed to succeed and I am sure we can all relate to the feeling of sadness that this became the result after so much of our hard effort. As a personal trainer for over 12 years I have seen this look in many peoples eyes day after day as they really want to lose those extra pounds or run that mile for their childrens school charity event. Some people in this world are blessed with pure determination or have learned how to overcome their challenges because they can draw on learned resources, but alas for many the feeling of almost helplessness and an I dont know what to do next feeling comes through their heart and they may be totally unaware of why!
However looking at this from a psychological point of view, is it any wonder why some people struggle when the education system will teach a child trigonometry and even Pythagoras but very little time (if any) is spent teaching young impressionable minds how to set goals, believe in themselves or achieve their dreams, it is not the person setting the goal who is limited it is purely the level of knowledge they have access to. From birth many of us are taught how to set goals based on money or weight loss/gain or other material goals and yes it is true that a high level of health and wealth are vital for us to feel secure in life but if full article at []