How to Transfer a Florida DBA
- 1). Verify that you have a legal right to use the DBA you wish to transfer. Review any applicable contracts or agreements to ensure the DBA is transferable and be sure to consult qualified legal counsel if you are uncertain.
- 2). Access the Florida Division of Corporations website. (See Resources 1) Search for the DBA name you wish to transfer under "Inquire by Fictitious Name" to confirm that it is already registered in Florida.
- 3). Print the "Fictitious Name Detail" page for your Florida DBA. You will need this information to complete the DBA transfer.
- 4). Open the "Application for Registration of Fictitious Name" via the Internet and either type directly into the form or print and hand write in blue or black ink. (See Resources 2)
- 5). Enter the name of the DBA you are transferring along with your address and other company information in Sections 1 through 3 of the application. Sign the application where indicated.
- 6). Enter information about the currently-listed owner of the DBA in Section 4 of the application using the "Fictitious Name Detail" page as a reference. Have an authorized representative of the currently-listed owner sign Section 4 where indicated.
- 1). Hand-deliver or mail the original "Application for Registration of Fictitious Name" to the Florida Division of Corporations with a check for all applicable fees payable to: "Department of State."
Hand-delivery address:
Division of Corporations
Clifton Building
2661 Executive Center Circle
Tallahassee, Florida 32301
Mailing Address:
Fictitious Name Registration
P.O. Box 1300
Tallahassee, Florida 32301-1300 - 2). Access the Florida Division of Corporations' website to confirm the "Fictitious Name Detail" has been updated to reflect new ownership of the DBA. (See Resources 1)
- 3). Begin using your new Florida DBA once you confirm the Division of Corporations has completed the transfer of the DBA to your company.
Completing the Application
Filing Your Application