Bitter Melon Discount Supplements May Not Be Effective
Bitter Melon in Diabetes Treatment In several countries around the world, bitter melon or extracts of the seeds, flesh, and skin are used for natural control of blood sugar levels.
In the Philippines, one of the benefits of bitter melon tea is found in controlling unhealthy blood sugar levels.
It is used primarily among the poor.
In Ayurvedic Medicine, practiced widely throughout India, bitter melon is sometimes referred to as plant insulin.
Scientific evaluation has confirmed the presence of a protein similar to bovine insulin.
In one case, doctors were able to control blood sugar levels in a little girl who was allergic to bovine insulin, by using bitter melon extract given intravenously.
It is important that diabetics understand that eating bitter melon or drinking bitter melon tea is not an appropriate substitute for insulin and when using dietary supplements that contain bitter melon extract, blood sugar levels should be closely monitored.
It is also important to note that research relating to bitter melon in diabetes treatment focuses on type II or non-insulin dependent diabetes.
Although some information suggests that it may be helpful for those who suffer from type I or insulin dependent diabetes, it does not "cure" the condition.
Even Ayurvedic practitioners use better melon in diabetes treatment in conjunction with other forms of therapy.
Bitter Melon Discount Supplements There are several concerns over bitter melon discount supplements.
Cheap supplements typically contain some portion of the plant in powdered form, but not the extract that has been used in scientific research.
Pharmaceutical grade extracts are not "cheap".
Bitter melon discount supplements may not be effective, because they do not contain the effective component or because the effective component is not bio-available, meaning readily absorbed by the body.
Manufacturers of cheap supplements typically do not use the best ingredients in the right form, so the ingredients may pass through the body without being absorbed.
Making sure that ingredients are bio-available cannot be accomplished cheaply.
Because of manufacturers' claims, consumers could ignore other forms of treatment or their doctor's advice and worsen their condition.
Other Health Benefits of Bitter Melon Tea Although the best known and well documented uses concern bitter melon in diabetes treatment, there may be other benefits of bitter melon tea.
It may stimulate digestion and relieve constipation.
It shows mild anti-inflammatory activity.
The tea may be useful in relieving coughs, as would a cough drop or cough suppressant.
In Asia, Panama and Columbia, it is used to treat and prevent malaria.
For more information about this subject, please visit the Diabetes Type Two Info Guide.
In the Philippines, one of the benefits of bitter melon tea is found in controlling unhealthy blood sugar levels.
It is used primarily among the poor.
In Ayurvedic Medicine, practiced widely throughout India, bitter melon is sometimes referred to as plant insulin.
Scientific evaluation has confirmed the presence of a protein similar to bovine insulin.
In one case, doctors were able to control blood sugar levels in a little girl who was allergic to bovine insulin, by using bitter melon extract given intravenously.
It is important that diabetics understand that eating bitter melon or drinking bitter melon tea is not an appropriate substitute for insulin and when using dietary supplements that contain bitter melon extract, blood sugar levels should be closely monitored.
It is also important to note that research relating to bitter melon in diabetes treatment focuses on type II or non-insulin dependent diabetes.
Although some information suggests that it may be helpful for those who suffer from type I or insulin dependent diabetes, it does not "cure" the condition.
Even Ayurvedic practitioners use better melon in diabetes treatment in conjunction with other forms of therapy.
Bitter Melon Discount Supplements There are several concerns over bitter melon discount supplements.
Cheap supplements typically contain some portion of the plant in powdered form, but not the extract that has been used in scientific research.
Pharmaceutical grade extracts are not "cheap".
Bitter melon discount supplements may not be effective, because they do not contain the effective component or because the effective component is not bio-available, meaning readily absorbed by the body.
Manufacturers of cheap supplements typically do not use the best ingredients in the right form, so the ingredients may pass through the body without being absorbed.
Making sure that ingredients are bio-available cannot be accomplished cheaply.
Because of manufacturers' claims, consumers could ignore other forms of treatment or their doctor's advice and worsen their condition.
Other Health Benefits of Bitter Melon Tea Although the best known and well documented uses concern bitter melon in diabetes treatment, there may be other benefits of bitter melon tea.
It may stimulate digestion and relieve constipation.
It shows mild anti-inflammatory activity.
The tea may be useful in relieving coughs, as would a cough drop or cough suppressant.
In Asia, Panama and Columbia, it is used to treat and prevent malaria.
For more information about this subject, please visit the Diabetes Type Two Info Guide.