Get Your Girlfriend Turned on With These 3 Tips
Whether you have a girlfriend right now or you plan on having one in the near future, you surely have to be skilled in one area that far too many men are not. You have to be skilled at turning her on because you do not want to see the look of disappointment on her face when you are intimate with her and it just does not seem to do the trick in her eyes. The good thing is that your average woman is not going to throw it in your face that she was left unsatisfied. More than likely, she is going to fake it just to make you feel better about yourself. Still, what would you rather get from her - a look of pure pleasure on her face that is real, or a fake look that makes you realize that you did not really turn her on the way that you thought you were going to be able to?
Most guys place a lot of importance on their perceived ability to get a woman turned on, but if you ever get the chance to speak candidly with a lot of women... you find out that there are many men that just don't realize that they are not nearly as talented as they think they are.
Here are 3 tips that can help you get your girlfriend turned on so that you don't have to worry about whether or not she is faking it:
1) Become a master of making a full night of it.
Okay, I don't mean that you need to last all night with her. But, if you do really want to leave her feeling satisfied, then you are going to have to make things special for her. And that starts before you end up in the bedroom. Take the time to plan out things that you can do that are going to make her happy before you take a turn for the bedroom.
2) Show her that you know what the true meaning of foreplay is.
This is where a lot of guys mess things up. What they think is foreplay and what their girlfriend thinks is foreplay can often be two vastly different things. If you don't really know what you should be doing during foreplay, don't be afraid to ask her. I am sure that she would much rather you ask and get it right, then to act like you know and get it wrong.
3) Celebrate variety by changing things up now and again.
Boring sex is just that. Boring sex. Besides learning to get her turned on during foreplay, you may also want to find a few new positions that you can try out so that things are not boring and dull and routine when it comes to the bedroom. You don't want her to feel like it is the same thing every single time, do you?
Most guys place a lot of importance on their perceived ability to get a woman turned on, but if you ever get the chance to speak candidly with a lot of women... you find out that there are many men that just don't realize that they are not nearly as talented as they think they are.
Here are 3 tips that can help you get your girlfriend turned on so that you don't have to worry about whether or not she is faking it:
1) Become a master of making a full night of it.
Okay, I don't mean that you need to last all night with her. But, if you do really want to leave her feeling satisfied, then you are going to have to make things special for her. And that starts before you end up in the bedroom. Take the time to plan out things that you can do that are going to make her happy before you take a turn for the bedroom.
2) Show her that you know what the true meaning of foreplay is.
This is where a lot of guys mess things up. What they think is foreplay and what their girlfriend thinks is foreplay can often be two vastly different things. If you don't really know what you should be doing during foreplay, don't be afraid to ask her. I am sure that she would much rather you ask and get it right, then to act like you know and get it wrong.
3) Celebrate variety by changing things up now and again.
Boring sex is just that. Boring sex. Besides learning to get her turned on during foreplay, you may also want to find a few new positions that you can try out so that things are not boring and dull and routine when it comes to the bedroom. You don't want her to feel like it is the same thing every single time, do you?