DIY Turtle Pond Waterfall
- 1). Plan an area of your garden pond to install the waterfall. Prepare the area by laying a black plastic water liner over the dirt adjacent to the pond where you will place the stones.
- 2). Lay the first few levels of stone then thread the hose of a submersible water pump through them so the pump sits in the pond while the hose extends to the top of the rock waterfall. Thread the pump’s electrical cord out of the water and through the rocks to hide it from view.
- 3). Stack the remaining rocks in a plateau shape that directs the flowing water back into the pond. Flat level stones offer the best purchase for turtles to hoist themselves out of the water to bask in the sun. Place a large flat rock on top of the pile to hold the weir in place.
- 4). Fill in the gaps between the waterfall’s broad, flat stones with smaller river pebbles or rocks. Plug the pump into a GCFI power source and wait for the water to flow down the stones momentarily.