Strengths of Evidentialist Apologetics
- Evidentialist apologetics focuses the discussion of faith on facts which can be verified, either directly or indirectly. By limiting a discussion to points which can be identified as true from a point of view outside the lens of faith, those who profess Christian faith can engage in conversations with those who may not hold the same beliefs. For example, while 21st century men were not present at the crucification and resurrection of Jesus, a central thesis of Christianity, those who may doubt the validity of the biblical narrative can discuss the events through the writings of secular historians of the time, such as Josephus.
- Building a discussion of religious faith aligns itself with the predominant western world view built on scientific investigation and logical arguments. Western thought has been shaped by the logical and rational approach to discovering information, ever since the Greek world view became the dominant influence on Western civilization.
- Having a discussion of facts helps the religious evangelist and those he approaches build a conversation that extends beyond their personal preferences and experiences. When individuals are willing to lay down their own prejudices, and objectively consider new ideas, they are more likely to have a mutually respectful conversation. Even though two parties may not agree at the end of the conversation, they can "agree to disagree" and part ways peacefully, rather than allow their conversation to descend into a conflict, closing their minds off to new ideas.
- Evidentialism is a form of inductive reasoning on which the fields of philosophy, science, and math are built. The scientific method argues points of evidence backward to a universal truth, then seeks to draw conclusions from the universal. A common mathematics proof is derived from the following: If item A is equal the Item B, and Item B is equal to item C. then Item A is equal to Item C. While this approach to apologetics work can simplify the communication process, The downside is that they will likely not prove a point with certainty. The argument is useful, but in a strict sense can't "prove" Christian truth. It can only make the step between non-belief and faith smaller, and more easily traversed.
Just the Facts
Western Worldview
Appealing Beyond Feelings
The Scientific Method