What is the Meaning of the Ankh Symbol?
- In hieroglyphics, the ancient Egyptian form of writing, the ankh translates to "life" or "living." It is sometimes referred to as the Egyptian cross.
- Appearing frequently in Egyptian paintings and tomb inscriptions, the ankh was also worn as an amulet. Mirrors shaped like ankh symbols have also been found.
- A theory posited by Egyptologist E. A. Wallis Budge is that the ankh may have originated from a ceremonial knot that was often depicted in pictures of the Egyptian mother goddess, Isis. Another theory, presented by Egyptologist Sir Alan Gardiner, speculates that the ankh symbol represented the strap of a sandal, with the loop going around the ankle.
- The ankh is thought of as a tool of the gods. Ancient Egyptian gods are often portrayed in paintings touching a mortal with the ankh to symbolize conception. Conversely, gods are also depicted touching the dead with an ankh to symbolize eternal life.
- The loop of the ankh is believed to represent the Nile River, and the cross represents the path of the sun from east to west. Symbolizing life and immortality, the ankh represents regeneration, regrowth and renewal.
Hieroglyphic Meaning
Where It Was Used
Theory of Origin
Tool of the Gods