Garlic Helps Beat Diabetes Naturally - Control Blood Sugar
Well documented facts of how garlic helps the diabetic by improving blood sugar control, lower cholesterol and blood pressure, and other vascular risk factors makes it an important part of the control of diabetes.
It really is a wonder drug that is cheap and plentiful.
The best way to get the benefits of garlic is to use it liberally in your cooking.
Getting the taste for garlic has more benefits then I can list in this article.
Once you develop your eating habits around garlic, you will not cook without it.
If you would rather get the benefits of garlic in pill form, you will have to watch out to make sure you're getting all the promised results.
Manufacturers coat the prepared garlic in such a way that the tablet does not break down until it has passed through the stomach.
This is called enteric coating.
There are a couple of things to look for when choosing a garlic product.
It is important to make sure the tablet provides a sufficient level of allicin, important for control of blood sugar.
Next, if the quality of the enteric coating is not right, the allicin will not be liberated at the proper time in the small intestine.
75% of the tested brands of garlic tablets on the market released less than 10% of their label claim of allicin.
The studies showing a positive effect of garlic tablets are those that deliver a sufficient dosage of allicin.
There are two brands that use the USP method to ensure label claims for allicin potential.
Garlicin {Nature's Way} and Garlic Factors {Natural Factors}.
I recommend one of these two brands if you want to see results.
It really is a wonder drug that is cheap and plentiful.
The best way to get the benefits of garlic is to use it liberally in your cooking.
Getting the taste for garlic has more benefits then I can list in this article.
Once you develop your eating habits around garlic, you will not cook without it.
If you would rather get the benefits of garlic in pill form, you will have to watch out to make sure you're getting all the promised results.
Manufacturers coat the prepared garlic in such a way that the tablet does not break down until it has passed through the stomach.
This is called enteric coating.
There are a couple of things to look for when choosing a garlic product.
It is important to make sure the tablet provides a sufficient level of allicin, important for control of blood sugar.
Next, if the quality of the enteric coating is not right, the allicin will not be liberated at the proper time in the small intestine.
75% of the tested brands of garlic tablets on the market released less than 10% of their label claim of allicin.
The studies showing a positive effect of garlic tablets are those that deliver a sufficient dosage of allicin.
There are two brands that use the USP method to ensure label claims for allicin potential.
Garlicin {Nature's Way} and Garlic Factors {Natural Factors}.
I recommend one of these two brands if you want to see results.