LPN Programs in Georgia
LPN (Licensed Practical Nurses) in Georgia earn around $35000 per year which is below the national average salary of LPN in nation and this is because training programs in Georgia are relatively new to the training programs in other states of the nation. Candidates for LPN programs must be meek and sympathetic in nature as they not only care for the patients but also increases their morale and support them in their mental trauma.
There are 49 LPN programs in Georgia. These offer both online and campus based courses. The training is conducted for 18-36 months depending on whether you have enrolled in a full time or part time course. The median hourly wage is $16.56 for the LPN in Georgia. These training programs provide both classroom as well as clinical training to the candidates.
Eligibility Criteria for LPN programs:-
LPNs are entry level medical assistants just as CNA but they do have more responsibilities and better salary. They are in direct contact with the patient and need to pay full attention to patient's care, hygiene and medical treatment and diagnosis. LPNs are skilled in pharmacology, medical diagnosis and monitoring, use of medical tools and observing vital life signs of the patient. The course fee is $3000 to $20000 and may still be more in some training schools. This depends on the type or facility in which you are taking admission. Private schools usually cost higher than public internship schools. The NCLEX-PN examination fee is $240 in total summing both application processing and examination registration fee. License renewal is compulsory after the completion of two years of licensure. The examination authority is not the state nursing board in most cases. Pearson-Vue is the governing examination council in the states of America.
Training schools in Georgia at a glance:-
Most of these colleges have a 100% certification record for past two years. Besides these, there are 16 schools for LPN to RN (both AND/BSN programs) bridging. You can opt for higher studies for a better salary and career.
There are 49 LPN programs in Georgia. These offer both online and campus based courses. The training is conducted for 18-36 months depending on whether you have enrolled in a full time or part time course. The median hourly wage is $16.56 for the LPN in Georgia. These training programs provide both classroom as well as clinical training to the candidates.
Eligibility Criteria for LPN programs:-
- Minimum age required is 18 years to enroll in a program.
- High School Graduation/GED is mandatory.
- TAES score is also required in some training schools.
- Physical Assessment and Addiction test is taken
- Background and felony record is checked.
- An interview may also be conducted before enrollment.
LPNs are entry level medical assistants just as CNA but they do have more responsibilities and better salary. They are in direct contact with the patient and need to pay full attention to patient's care, hygiene and medical treatment and diagnosis. LPNs are skilled in pharmacology, medical diagnosis and monitoring, use of medical tools and observing vital life signs of the patient. The course fee is $3000 to $20000 and may still be more in some training schools. This depends on the type or facility in which you are taking admission. Private schools usually cost higher than public internship schools. The NCLEX-PN examination fee is $240 in total summing both application processing and examination registration fee. License renewal is compulsory after the completion of two years of licensure. The examination authority is not the state nursing board in most cases. Pearson-Vue is the governing examination council in the states of America.
Training schools in Georgia at a glance:-
- Â Altamaha Technical College
- Â Albany Technical College
- Sandersville Technical College
- Ogeechee Technical College
- Lanier Technical College
- Chattahoochee Technical College-Paulding County
- Albany Technical College Early County
- DeKalb Technical College
- Bainbridge College
- Athens Technical College, Elbert County Campus
- Central Georgia Technical College, Baldwin County
- Flint River Technical College
- Coastal Georgia Community College
- Columbus Technical College
- Moultrie Technical College
- Okefenokee Technical College
- Savannah Technical College
- Southeastern Technical College
- Valdosta Technical College
- Griffin Technical College
- Appalachian Technical College
Most of these colleges have a 100% certification record for past two years. Besides these, there are 16 schools for LPN to RN (both AND/BSN programs) bridging. You can opt for higher studies for a better salary and career.