Stay Away From the Dream Stealers
It seems that once you set goals you want to accomplish (dreams) there will always arrive on the scene things, people, and situations (what I often call "bright, shiny objects") that can undo your progress, sap your energy, and waste your time.
Another term for these negatives is "Dream Stealers.
" Here are a few examples of Dream Stealers: *You need to research online for the book you want to write.
As you search the Internet you see a banner that says, "Look better naked.
" So you click on it and spend 30 minutes (or more) engrossed in useless information.
This "bright, shiny object" has stolen your dreams by wasting time that you didn't spend in pursuit of your worthy goal.
Time you can never recover.
This internet nonsense is a Dream Stealer.
*You want to achieve great things in your life.
Maybe you want to get a graduate degree, or become a millionaire, or whatever.
However your best friend always casts doubt on your ability to achieve your goals.
She may make subtle comments questioning your abilities.
Or, she may come right out and tell you that, "You'll never do that!" Your friend is a Dream Stealer.
* You want to raise positive children who are happy to head off to school each day.
Unfortunately, you like to watch late night TV, which leaves you tired when you wake, which makes you crabby each morning as you feed your children and send them off to school.
What they are learning from your daily example is that they should be negative and surly.
Your dream of raising happy children is being stolen by your late night TV watching.
For you, late night TV is a Dream Stealer.
Self-discipline is the key to staying away from Dream Stealers.
Which Dream Stealers will you avoid? © 2008 Darryl L.
Another term for these negatives is "Dream Stealers.
" Here are a few examples of Dream Stealers: *You need to research online for the book you want to write.
As you search the Internet you see a banner that says, "Look better naked.
" So you click on it and spend 30 minutes (or more) engrossed in useless information.
This "bright, shiny object" has stolen your dreams by wasting time that you didn't spend in pursuit of your worthy goal.
Time you can never recover.
This internet nonsense is a Dream Stealer.
*You want to achieve great things in your life.
Maybe you want to get a graduate degree, or become a millionaire, or whatever.
However your best friend always casts doubt on your ability to achieve your goals.
She may make subtle comments questioning your abilities.
Or, she may come right out and tell you that, "You'll never do that!" Your friend is a Dream Stealer.
* You want to raise positive children who are happy to head off to school each day.
Unfortunately, you like to watch late night TV, which leaves you tired when you wake, which makes you crabby each morning as you feed your children and send them off to school.
What they are learning from your daily example is that they should be negative and surly.
Your dream of raising happy children is being stolen by your late night TV watching.
For you, late night TV is a Dream Stealer.
Self-discipline is the key to staying away from Dream Stealers.
Which Dream Stealers will you avoid? © 2008 Darryl L.