Improve Air Quality by Upgrading Your Furnace Filter
What many people do not realize is that by upgrading your furnace filter you can significantly improve the air quality inside your home in a truly inexpensive way.
The average person is breathing in about 32,000 pints worth of air in a single day.
Can you imagine how many particles of dust can be found in these 32,000 pints? The truth is, there are around 1,120,000,000 dust particles, most of which that are 3 microns or smaller, floating around in the air that we are breathing on a daily basis.
According to studies by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, indoor air can be as much as two to five times more polluted than the air outdoors.
Indoor air quality is affected by a number of things.
Your primary defense against problems with air quality is your air conditioning filter and your furnace filter.
Clean air is something that we all need in order to create a healthy environment in our homes.
To best accomplish this, it's important to be aware of what constitutes the right furnace filter or air conditioning filter for your home.
An ideal filter, for example, is one that best meets all of your needs.
For example, if you have allergies, the ideal filter is one that traps tiny allergen particles, keeping them out of the air that you breathe.
Providing your home and family with clean air means installing high quality filters in your home.
This is especially important if you have allergies.
The HVAC industry, the Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning is full of a variety of different options that you can explore to help you maintain a good level of air quality within your home.
The true key to choosing the right furnace filter upgrade is simply to decide which equipment best suits your individual needs.
There are a number of different types of furnace filters and air conditioning filters that you can choose from.
The level of efficiency that each type has will vary greatly depending on what type of filter you install.
There are essentially six different categories that you can choose from relating to filters.
Some of these filters are extremely efficient, while others provide results that tend to be less than desirable.
There is simply no ultimate answer with regards to which filter to select, but some are generally better options than others.
Choosing the best one depends on what your individual needs and wants are.
There are positive and negative characteristics for each of the following types of furnace filters and air conditioning filters: - Electrostatic Air Filters - Media Air Filters - Pleated Air Filters - HEPA Air Filters - Activated Carbon Air Filters There are numerous types of furnace filters to choose from.
Understanding how they work and selecting one of high quality will produce the best performance in the long term.
The average person is breathing in about 32,000 pints worth of air in a single day.
Can you imagine how many particles of dust can be found in these 32,000 pints? The truth is, there are around 1,120,000,000 dust particles, most of which that are 3 microns or smaller, floating around in the air that we are breathing on a daily basis.
According to studies by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, indoor air can be as much as two to five times more polluted than the air outdoors.
Indoor air quality is affected by a number of things.
Your primary defense against problems with air quality is your air conditioning filter and your furnace filter.
Clean air is something that we all need in order to create a healthy environment in our homes.
To best accomplish this, it's important to be aware of what constitutes the right furnace filter or air conditioning filter for your home.
An ideal filter, for example, is one that best meets all of your needs.
For example, if you have allergies, the ideal filter is one that traps tiny allergen particles, keeping them out of the air that you breathe.
Providing your home and family with clean air means installing high quality filters in your home.
This is especially important if you have allergies.
The HVAC industry, the Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning is full of a variety of different options that you can explore to help you maintain a good level of air quality within your home.
The true key to choosing the right furnace filter upgrade is simply to decide which equipment best suits your individual needs.
There are a number of different types of furnace filters and air conditioning filters that you can choose from.
The level of efficiency that each type has will vary greatly depending on what type of filter you install.
There are essentially six different categories that you can choose from relating to filters.
Some of these filters are extremely efficient, while others provide results that tend to be less than desirable.
There is simply no ultimate answer with regards to which filter to select, but some are generally better options than others.
Choosing the best one depends on what your individual needs and wants are.
There are positive and negative characteristics for each of the following types of furnace filters and air conditioning filters: - Electrostatic Air Filters - Media Air Filters - Pleated Air Filters - HEPA Air Filters - Activated Carbon Air Filters There are numerous types of furnace filters to choose from.
Understanding how they work and selecting one of high quality will produce the best performance in the long term.