How to Watch Movies on the Internet
- 1). Seek out websites that offer movies for free. Use them with care, however. Some sites, like SurfTheChannel (, are merely indexes that link your computer to movie-offering websites. These have been known to distribute computer viruses and malware. Other sites, like Hulu (, are supported by ads and allow you to view copyrighted films.
- 2). Pay to download a movie you want to see through an online content service. One of the best known of these is the iTunes store ( Through iTunes you can either buy an electronic copy of the movie or rent it for a limited time. The fees are about what you would pay to buy or rent a movie at a bricks-and-mortar store. Blockbuster ( offers similar on-demand films.
- 3). Subscribe to a service that streams movies, TV shows and other video content to your computer or cable television. Companies like Netflix ( offer monthly subscription plans that allow you to view an unlimited number of movies each month.