Oi, sometimes representing the Th sound, is Oir, the Spindle tree, which was used to make bobbins and pegs, as well as (obviously) spindles. This dainty little tree is misleading -- while it looks delicate, it's also very strong. The durability and strength of the wood made it usedful for oxen-goads, which were used in ploughing. The white flowers and bright red autumn fruits, connect the Spindle tree to the hearth and home, as well as the bonds of kinfolk and clan.
Mundane Aspects: When this symbol appears, focus on family honor. Remember that in addition to blood family members, we have people that we choose to invite into our hearts, our spiritual family members. Fulfill obligations you may have to people you love, whether you have been planning for or not. Don't be afraid to ask questions, but ultimately, do what's right for those who enjoy the hospitality of your hearth.
Magical Aspects: Work on developing a connection not only to the people in your clan, but in the greater spiritual community. Remember that differing tribes still have to work together for a common purpose, and that means someone has to assume the role of mediator when conflicts arise. If you're active in the Pagan community, or in a specific group, this may fall to you.
Oir Correspondences
Mundane Aspects: When this symbol appears, focus on family honor. Remember that in addition to blood family members, we have people that we choose to invite into our hearts, our spiritual family members. Fulfill obligations you may have to people you love, whether you have been planning for or not. Don't be afraid to ask questions, but ultimately, do what's right for those who enjoy the hospitality of your hearth.
Magical Aspects: Work on developing a connection not only to the people in your clan, but in the greater spiritual community. Remember that differing tribes still have to work together for a common purpose, and that means someone has to assume the role of mediator when conflicts arise. If you're active in the Pagan community, or in a specific group, this may fall to you.