3D Pregnancy Ultrasound
3D pregnancy ultrasound is a medical technique which provides three dimensional pictures of a fetus while it is in the womb.
The technique is harmless to both mother and baby, and neither will feel anything during the procedure.
The pictures are much clearer than 2D ultrasound, which has been used for many years in the general healthcare of pregnant women all around the world, and can often be linked with 4D ultrasound which enables you to have an actual DVD of your baby moving around in the womb, which many parents-to-be find just too much to resist.
3D pregnancy ultrasound is often used to determine the gender of the unborn baby.
Whilst some state that this is possible from around 15 weeks, it is most widely considered to be more reliable at around the 20 week period.
There are no guarantees that the gender information is correct, but at 20 weeks it is remarkably accurate (around 95%).
You should still proceed with caution before buying items or decorating the nursery in a very gender orientated fashion.
Some couples decide that they do not want to know the gender of their child before the birth, and they should clearly state that before the 3D pregnancy ultrasound sessions begins.
It really is a matter of personal preference and the choice is entirely up to you.
If you are having a 3D pregnancy ultrasound, unlike your regular medical ultrasound appointment, you will not be told to drink lots of water and hold on to it just before the scan.
This can prove to be extremely uncomfortable so it may be a relief to a lot of potential clients.
However, they do advise that you drink plenty of water for the 2 weeks prior to your visit, to ensure that there is a good amount of clear amniotic fluid around the fetus and ensuring a good, clear picture.
3D ultrasounds are best if they are done between about 20 and 32 weeks.
After 32 weeks the baby will probably start to engage in which case getting a good picture will be nigh on impossible.
The images on 3D ultrasound are much clearer than the conventional 2D images which have been used routinely for so many years.
Although you will probably have to pay a private clinic for the use of this technology at the moment, many hospitals and health centres are beginning to see the benefits of this advanced technology and will be making it available in the near future.
If you are unsure about whether a 3D pregnancy ultrasound is right for you, there are lots of websites with further information that you can easily find.
There are also many photographs which proud parents have exhibited, and these clearly show the superior quality of these images, compared to the original type.
To watch your baby moving on the screen and then have a good, clear picture of your unborn child can significantly help the bonding process between parents and baby, and also other members of the family.
The technique is harmless to both mother and baby, and neither will feel anything during the procedure.
The pictures are much clearer than 2D ultrasound, which has been used for many years in the general healthcare of pregnant women all around the world, and can often be linked with 4D ultrasound which enables you to have an actual DVD of your baby moving around in the womb, which many parents-to-be find just too much to resist.
3D pregnancy ultrasound is often used to determine the gender of the unborn baby.
Whilst some state that this is possible from around 15 weeks, it is most widely considered to be more reliable at around the 20 week period.
There are no guarantees that the gender information is correct, but at 20 weeks it is remarkably accurate (around 95%).
You should still proceed with caution before buying items or decorating the nursery in a very gender orientated fashion.
Some couples decide that they do not want to know the gender of their child before the birth, and they should clearly state that before the 3D pregnancy ultrasound sessions begins.
It really is a matter of personal preference and the choice is entirely up to you.
If you are having a 3D pregnancy ultrasound, unlike your regular medical ultrasound appointment, you will not be told to drink lots of water and hold on to it just before the scan.
This can prove to be extremely uncomfortable so it may be a relief to a lot of potential clients.
However, they do advise that you drink plenty of water for the 2 weeks prior to your visit, to ensure that there is a good amount of clear amniotic fluid around the fetus and ensuring a good, clear picture.
3D ultrasounds are best if they are done between about 20 and 32 weeks.
After 32 weeks the baby will probably start to engage in which case getting a good picture will be nigh on impossible.
The images on 3D ultrasound are much clearer than the conventional 2D images which have been used routinely for so many years.
Although you will probably have to pay a private clinic for the use of this technology at the moment, many hospitals and health centres are beginning to see the benefits of this advanced technology and will be making it available in the near future.
If you are unsure about whether a 3D pregnancy ultrasound is right for you, there are lots of websites with further information that you can easily find.
There are also many photographs which proud parents have exhibited, and these clearly show the superior quality of these images, compared to the original type.
To watch your baby moving on the screen and then have a good, clear picture of your unborn child can significantly help the bonding process between parents and baby, and also other members of the family.