Effective Natural Acne Cures
All acne sufferers are buying over-the-counter products each and every day, and quite frankly I'm sick of it.
Stop wasting your money! Most of the people who suffer from acne have no idea that natural acne cures can actually help them.
They think that these acne cures are just a load of rubbish, when they're not! How do you think people who had acne in the olden day got rid of it, it certainly wasn't from over-the-counter products, it was by using household ingredients! Effective Natural Acne Cures One of the most effective home remedies to cure acne is fresh garlic.
All you is simply rub fresh garlic on your acne, 4 times a day.
If you repeat this for about two weeks, I promise that you will see a big difference in your acne.
Another natural acne I like is lemon juice and rose water.
You mix the lemon juice and rose water, half and half.
Then apply to the infected acne areas, leave on for 30 minutes, then simply wash off with warm water! You can also use lemon to cure your acne, but in a different way.
You squeeze the lemon juice onto a cotton pad, then apply, leave on for 20 minutes then wash off with warm water.
The Same can be done with orange juice.
Raw potatoes are a great way to cure acne as well, you slice a raw potato in half, then you rub the flat edge of the potato onto your acne.
The vitamins in the potato help improve your skin.
And the alkaline in the potato breaks down the bacteria in the pores.
Stop wasting your money! Most of the people who suffer from acne have no idea that natural acne cures can actually help them.
They think that these acne cures are just a load of rubbish, when they're not! How do you think people who had acne in the olden day got rid of it, it certainly wasn't from over-the-counter products, it was by using household ingredients! Effective Natural Acne Cures One of the most effective home remedies to cure acne is fresh garlic.
All you is simply rub fresh garlic on your acne, 4 times a day.
If you repeat this for about two weeks, I promise that you will see a big difference in your acne.
Another natural acne I like is lemon juice and rose water.
You mix the lemon juice and rose water, half and half.
Then apply to the infected acne areas, leave on for 30 minutes, then simply wash off with warm water! You can also use lemon to cure your acne, but in a different way.
You squeeze the lemon juice onto a cotton pad, then apply, leave on for 20 minutes then wash off with warm water.
The Same can be done with orange juice.
Raw potatoes are a great way to cure acne as well, you slice a raw potato in half, then you rub the flat edge of the potato onto your acne.
The vitamins in the potato help improve your skin.
And the alkaline in the potato breaks down the bacteria in the pores.