Get Thee Behind Me Satan.
Hello Family,
Have ever been in a situation where you started to play with a young child and they wanted to continue to play FOREVER?
The last time I went to visit my parents, my sister and her family stopped by to visit. I started playing with my niece Ryan by chasing her around like I was the boogey man.
She laughed and yelled as I chased her. When I got close to her I would grab her and scare her until she laughed real hard. After that I would let her go and she would taunt me and I would chase her again and the cycle would continue.
After a while, I would get tired and not want to play anymore but because she was young and full of energy, Ryan wanted to play. So I would do it one last time and that would be it. After that last time she would ask me to continue but I had to tell her that I was too tired!
Sometimes we get caught in similar situations bit it's not with children. We have that thing that is calling us to come out and play and we know what the outcome is going to be but instead of resisting in the beginning, we go ahead and get caught up.
We tell ourselves or that other person, "Hey, I'll do it but this is the last time!"
What messes are you involved in? How many "last times" have you had? What should you be running from?
James 4:7 says Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
The word says that we should resist the devil and he will flee from us which means that if we don't want to be in certain situations, we need to turn and walk away.
You're not so special that the devil is focused solely on you and no one else. He is in your business because you won't resist him. He sets the traps and you jump right in.
I know it can be hard to resist the pleasures of the world but here is the key. You must submit to God! That's the first step. You must let God rule your life because when He's in the driver's seat, you're bound to reach your destination without any delays or detours.
You must draw near to God and cleanse yourself from sin. Get rid of whatever it is that's holding you back and be of one mind focused on God.
So the next time you are about to get occupied with something that's not of God, submit to God so He can make a way of escape for you. Trust and believe that He won't put more on you than you can handle.
Be Encouraged and Have a Great Day!
Have ever been in a situation where you started to play with a young child and they wanted to continue to play FOREVER?
The last time I went to visit my parents, my sister and her family stopped by to visit. I started playing with my niece Ryan by chasing her around like I was the boogey man.
She laughed and yelled as I chased her. When I got close to her I would grab her and scare her until she laughed real hard. After that I would let her go and she would taunt me and I would chase her again and the cycle would continue.
After a while, I would get tired and not want to play anymore but because she was young and full of energy, Ryan wanted to play. So I would do it one last time and that would be it. After that last time she would ask me to continue but I had to tell her that I was too tired!
Sometimes we get caught in similar situations bit it's not with children. We have that thing that is calling us to come out and play and we know what the outcome is going to be but instead of resisting in the beginning, we go ahead and get caught up.
We tell ourselves or that other person, "Hey, I'll do it but this is the last time!"
What messes are you involved in? How many "last times" have you had? What should you be running from?
James 4:7 says Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
The word says that we should resist the devil and he will flee from us which means that if we don't want to be in certain situations, we need to turn and walk away.
You're not so special that the devil is focused solely on you and no one else. He is in your business because you won't resist him. He sets the traps and you jump right in.
I know it can be hard to resist the pleasures of the world but here is the key. You must submit to God! That's the first step. You must let God rule your life because when He's in the driver's seat, you're bound to reach your destination without any delays or detours.
You must draw near to God and cleanse yourself from sin. Get rid of whatever it is that's holding you back and be of one mind focused on God.
So the next time you are about to get occupied with something that's not of God, submit to God so He can make a way of escape for you. Trust and believe that He won't put more on you than you can handle.
Be Encouraged and Have a Great Day!