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Economics : Business & Finance
National Debt Calculator - How Much Does America Owe?
According to national debt calculators, the US national debt is growing everyday. What has caused the recent skyrocketing of the US national debt and how fast is it really growing?...More...
Who Will Bail Out the Poor? - Devastating Situation!
The world's poor are getting greater in number.The divide between the rich and the poor is getting wider.Who will bail out the poor in these situations?The crisis is getting worse and a solution is needed more sooner than later.This article addresses some of the issues facing the poor in today&...More...
Why Can't Families Afford to Eat Healthy?
In light of decreasing real wages and massively inflated prices for fresh food, more families are unable to feed themselves with any kind of nutritional value. Taking a look at the reasons way reveals a worrying trend only set to continue....More...
Foreign Media: Expanding Domestic Demand Is The To Chinas Development
the government has shifted the responsibilities of driving the economic growth to the growth of consumption and hopes that it can engine the whole national economy. It can be said that the construction of medium and long-term framework for sustainable economic development has begun. ...More...
Outrageous Fees Proposal - Students Facing a Brutal Choice
Plans to allow universities to triple tuition fees and charge students up to 9,000 a year have left the Government facing its biggest test of coalition unity. Universities said they will be left with no choice but to massively increase fees as they face huge cuts in Government funding....More...
Service Industry Gets an Uptick From Recession's Bottom
Most people do not realize it but the service sector of our economy in the US makes up the greatest portion of the jobs. Manufacturing is now the smallest well under 10% of the employment base. Retail is fairly large, but it's nothing compared to the service industry....More...
World Economy 2009
"World Economic Situation and Prospects (WESP) is a joint product of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development and the five United Nations regional commissions." (United Nations Development Policy and Analysis Division) The report...More...
Factors Affecting the Labor Market - Determination of Wages and The Activities of Trade Unions
Labor market is the market which buyers and sellers of labor are in close contact during which the wages and other conditions of services are determined and agreed upon. Labor is a factor of production which is usually bought and sold in the market and this process can be greatly influenced by deter...More...
Theory of the New Economy
As a business owner, I am interested in learning how organizations are using fewer resources to do more work. In other words, I want to learn a simple and straightforward methodology to apply in my organization that will yield long-term results. I am not looking for a shortcut, but rather a proven s...More...
Going Back To The Gold Standard - Ridiculous
Not long ago, I was reading a piece in the Wall Street Journal which stated that the GOP was debating on whether or not putting the US back on the gold standard should be part of their political platform. Whereas, I realize that there are a number of independents that think this is a good idea, it s...More...
American Project
There were several housing projects built in Chicago between the forties and the fifties but the most notorious of the housing projects built by the Chicago Housing Authority were The Robert Taylor Homes, Chicago's and the country's largest housing project....More...
Is the Federal Reserve Illegal?
Bernard von NotHaus, a North Carolina man, was convicted Friday on "Domestic Terrorism" due to printing coins designed to be used as currency. The law used to convict him was that Congress has the exclusive power to coin money in the United States....More...
The American Economy and Cash Advance
In this period of economic recession in the Unites States, cash advance has been helping almost all the income groups to meet their immediate expenses. The average household in America is finding cash advance loan a convenient way to meet emergency bills they weren't expecting....More...
Tickling The Market's Sweet Spot - More Return, Less Risk
Making money in any market is every investors dream. The current massive volatility is making that goal overwhelmingly difficult and dangerous... You're not going to outsmart the market any more than George Clooney outsmarted the sea in the Perfect Storm. The market always presents a "swee...More...
Multinationals Are Moving To Switzerland For A Reason
Of course, this growing trend of workers either taking up temporary or permanent employment is not due to these facts but there are certain positive perceptions about Switzerland that are also the reason why multinationals are considering a move to this country....More...
Go American
Some of us laughed at the 'organic' movement but it has taken root and become a settled part of our social consciousness.We can make the 'Go American' movement work too.It will take a conscious effort by every American concerned about his/her future or that of the next generation...More...
Is the United States Facing an Upcoming Brain Drain? The Expatriate Exodus
During many epochs of the U.S. economic growth and development, the country has benefitted from the arrival of the educated elite of other lands fleeing their homelands looking for a better life. However, as of 2010 there is the possibility of this process being reversed. Numerous educated professio...More...
Is the Game of American Capitalism Over?
Is it not ironic, that the game of free-market capitalism, the economic system responsible for creating the wealthiest country in the world, is now the culprit for the financial collapse of America's $13 trillion economy? Foreign leaders around the world have called out American style-capitalis...More...
Railroad VS Trucking and the High Diesel Prices in 2006
Let's face it high diesel prices take a toll on our economy and when this occurs there is a significant maneuvering of distribution assets to maintain efficiencies. Right now FedEx and other trucking companies have increased prices over 5.9% to make up for this....More...
Sustainability - The "Silver Lining" For Costa Rica?
As growing economic and political unease grips the U.S., Costa Rica may become a more attractive haven both for vacationing and living.Also as the world becomes more environmentally conscious, Costa Rica's focus on environmental sustainability may attract the interest of environmentally minded ...More...
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