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Economics : Business & Finance
Time To Plan For State Bankruptcies
A state bankruptcy is so unthinkable that the law makes no provision for it. It's time for Congress to re-think this....More...
Various Causes Of The Economic Collapse In The US
This article discusses reasons why people might have gone bankrupt in the past few years. The article discusses the economic collapse and why so many Americans are struggling....More...
Causes of Economic Recession
For those who are unclear what a recession actually is, I will do my best to quickly clarify it.A recession is a contraction phase of the business cycle.The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) defines it as a "significant decline in economic activity spread across the country, lasting m...More...
When Easy Answers Won't Do
Q: Jobs for the Future recently moved to target its work more tightly around two specific goals for accelerating advancement opportunities, one goal for young people and the other for adults. Why is accelerated advancement so important? ans: As well the research of other people about what it's ...More...
Greece - Solving The Economic Crisis
Greece is faced with economic collapse, and the government of Greece needs to address some serious questions. Solving the economic crisis involves answering some tough questions, and people need to sober up to some pretty serious hurdles ahead....More...
Big Media is in Big Trouble - Financially That Is
This is going to be the last decade of Major Newspaper Media and if you look around at big media as a whole, well it is not doing too well is it? We see the Seattle Paper in trouble and the parent company for the LA Times in BK....More...
Why the United States of America is Troubled - Part 1 of 2
Unlikely most European development models, America has for so long portrayed itself as "Made" to living large even when resources are knowingly subject to termination. Even at a time when, from Rio Earth Summit in 1992, interrelations between Ecology and Economy were clearly shown with wor...More...
Why Is Our Economy So Bad?
Why is our economy so bad? Where is growth? We are all asking ourselves these questions, but our society is failing to give us answers and most of all it is failing to do something about it....More...
Declining Dollar and Failing US Economy - Greenback Has a Heart Attack, Bankruptcy on Wall Street
U.S. economy tanks and the dollar declines. Wall Street executives and global financial markets anticipate the death of the dollar when the greenback eventually has a heart attack. Make profits trading currency before you lose holding a dying dollar....More...
The Future Development of Guangzhou
Due to the important geographical position and the historical reasons, Guangzhou is an important city for China from the perspective of economy. No matter in ancient times or modern times, Guangzhou played an important role for the whole economical development....More...
Your Republican Uncle Is Right About the Economy
There's a good chance that your republican uncle has investments in the market. He wants to make sure that his investments, to include his retirement accounts, provide him with a nice retirement. To do that, he has to get his hands on all the market and economy related news that could affect hi...More...
What is the Current Financial Crisis About?
To me the current "financial crisis" with a bailout to save the economy is coming with the help from the media manipulation factory to solve now the old bubble of sub prime mortgages. Some leaders create a crisis just before the reelection - the timing is perfect - and are asking for a bai...More...
Recession Obsession in 2010
Everywhere you look nowadays you see the new buzzword 'recession'. Defined as: An extended decline in general business activity, typically two consecutive quarters of falling real gross national product, Recessions are not a new phenomenon....More...
You Cannot Borrow Your Way Out of Debt
Massive efforts are being taken to pull the nation out of its current recession. But all the experts appear to making the same mistake. They think you can borrow your way out of debt....More...
The Employment Worries
As the economic slowdown advances 4 million youths joined the bandwagon of unemployed on the global front, which originally was 193 million at the beginning of 2012 keeping the developed economies as the epicenter of the crisis. The 25% of the unemployed youths are from developing countries whereas;...More...
Will This New Stimulus Plan Help the Housing Market in the USA?
The housing market turmoil has played a pivotal role in the economic and credit mayhem that spread across U.S. and worldwide, with countless number of U.S. homeowners saddled with mortgages they are unable to pay. If one were to compare the reason for recession of the economy with that during the Gr...More...
An Overview About The Inundation Management Procedures Throughout The World
Disasters such as flood has taken its price on humankind. We are all a witness how harmful these phenomena are. The least that men and women can do to minimize the hazards of those dangers could be to be involved and familiarize themselves with flood control programs integrated within their area. ...More...
Bad News for the UK Non Domicile - No Let up by Darling Budget 2008
The pre budget report announced that the 30,000 annual charge will apply to those resident in the UK for more than seven years. It was later announced that taxpayers using the remittance basis will now not be required to make any additional disclosures about their income and gains arising abroad....More...
How Will the Chancellor's March Budget Affect SME Businesses?
If George Osborne's words are to be believed, then 2011's March Budget is all about backing enterprise, kick-starting Britain's economy through the private sector and supporting the 'unsung heroes' of the UK economy - SMEs. But is it all words and no action?...More...
Is China Gaining The Moral High-ground?
“” says that China’s monetary policy decisions seem more justifiable than those of the US....More...
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