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Gardening : Home & Garden
Solar Lighting: The Real Deal
Some people swear by solar lighting; others want to go near it. It's popularity continues to grow due to rising electrical costs and better products. And, solar lighting is regularly highligh...More...
Late Tomato Planting
Can you already taste that juicy vine ripened tomato that you pick fresh from your own garden area? I can, but I simply did not get my plants in early enough....More...
Hydroponic Nutrients Solution: The Basics
When using a hydroponic system, there are many factors that must be considered in order to keep your plants healthy. If you want your plants to grow well, you must use a balanced solution that ... ...More...
The Bonsai Braided Money Plant Tree
A look at one of the easiest bonsai trees to care for....More...
Understand the Fertilizer NPK Ratio
Today most commercial fertilizers will mark its recipe in a NPK mode, which means the ratio of three elements included in the fertilizer, namely, Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium. This NPK ratio can present a clear description about the composition of each main elements included in this type of fe...More...
How to Use Liquid Plant Food as a Rooting Hormone
Shrubs, trees and plants bring bright, natural beauty to home landscapes with foliage, blooms and even fruit. While some shrubs and plants multiply at their roots, and so propagate through crown division, others propagate through cuttings, or pieces of stem. These cuttings require specific preparati...More...
A Multi Utility Device, a Dream in Kitchen - Kitchenaid 5 Qt Stand Mixer Review
We all are living the life in fast lane. We tend to achieve the most in least amount of time; this means more time working and less time for daily chores like cooking, washing. Kitchen ... ...More...
The Benefits Of Using A Root Stimulator In Hydroponic Gardening
Most quality root stimulator products are ideal for early strong root formation, reducing transplant shock as the plant matures and promoting rapid growth. When applied correctly, root stimulator products help build the strongest and therefore the most productive plant in your garden....More...
Kill Ugress - Ti P Toppen Av Weed Typer
Uansett hvor stor hagen din er, vil ugress være et problem. Men hva ugress du har i hagen, og hva er den beste måten å drepe dem? Denne artikkelen hjelper deg med å identifisere hva som vokser i hagen din og forklarer den beste måten å drepe ugress på....More...
How to Easily Grow a Gardenia Plant
A lot of people find it hard to grow this gift plant, but once you understand its needs it can be an attractive indoor and outdoor plant. And with perfect care you can grow this delicate flower all year round without hassles....More...
Daphne - Tips on Growing This Beautifully Scented Shrub
Do you have a Daphne that is not growing as well as you would like? Are you thinking of planting Daphne in your garden? Either way this article will provide you with information and tips on how to grow this beautiful shrub....More...
How to Make a Moving Scarecrow
Whether to scare pests out of gardens or to serve as crafty yard decorations, scarecrows are fixtures in rural America. On occasion, however, you may want a scarecrow to be both ornate and functional. To do this, you can make a moving scarecrow. Because you will be relying on the wind to move the sc...More...
Making Money Growing Mint
Types and UsesChocolate Mint PlantMint comes in hundreds of types, each with a specific minty flavor. Most people are familiar with the peppermint and spearmint variety, but there are many others. Some of these even include surprisingly chocolate, pineapple and banana! Mint is also an......More...
Pruning And Training - What You Should Know
Gooseberries and currants can be grown as airy, open centered bushes or as cordons against a supporting framework. Goose berries and black currants are produced on shoots that are one or more years old, so bushes will produce a crop even if you do not prune them. However, the stems will soon become ...More...
Introduction to Organic Garden Fertilizers
In traditional non-organic gardens it is a popular method to fertilize your crops because the soil may not be as healthy as it could be. With organic gardens, the main focus is making sure that ... ...More...
Living Pest-Free: Make Your Home Unfriendly to Bugs
Bugs are an unpleasant fact of life that can cause even the toughest man to scream like a little girl. If you want to keep your home happy, safe, and pest-free, there are several bug-proofing ... ...More...
Planning a Garden Revamp
When planning a new look to your garden it is important to think hard before you start. Sometimes we see gardens on the television or get ideas form other people and think that they would work well in our garden and are then disappointed when they do not look right or work how they had imagined in t...More...
How to Hang a Garden Trellis
Ivy, roses, passion flowers and many more climbing flowers can bestow privacy and beauty to a yard. Using a garden trellis will allow you to grow these plants anywhere in the yard. They can cover up unsightly landscape areas, or grow against walls and along fences. Knowing how to hang a trellis is e...More...
How to Plant Marigold Flowers
With their feathery, bright orange, red and yellow blooms, marigolds are some of the most brilliant, long-lasting flowers that can be planted in your garden. Most varieties are both heat and drought tolerant and insect-resistant. They bloom from mid-summer through the first hard frost of fall. Aside...More...
Cheapest Home Greenhouses
There are a few things to consider while trying to find the cheapest home greenhouse because there are a variety of materials available to build a greenhouse with. Aluminum is the best possible choice to use for a home greenhouse, however it is costly. Thankfully, there are a variety of materials th...More...
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