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Gardening : Home & Garden
Plum Trees for Gardens in Florida
Plum trees are not fruits Florida gardeners typically think of planting. The state's warmer winters and humidity create growing problems for cultivars not specifically developed for Florida. These cultivars do not receive adequate chilling hours. However, the University of Florida has developed vari...More...
Hopseed Bush Or Dodonaea Viscosa, Fast Growing Drought Resistant Screen Shrubs
Dodonaea viscosa or Hopseed Bush is a great drought tolerant, fast growing screen plant. These drought resistantshrubs grow fast to about 10 feet tall, take full sun to part shade and once established, can survive on rainfall alone.This makes them a valuable landscape plant especially in areas hit w...More...
How to Grow Italian Parsley From Seed
Italian parsley grows from 2 to 3 feet tall and has feathery, pale green foliage. Its leaves have a sweeter, more intense flavor than other varieties. The plants are biennial, meaning they live for two years, but are most often grown as annuals. Italian parsley thrives in full sun and fertile, fast-...More...
How to Compost Leaves the Easy Way
Did you know that leaves make great compost? Yes, I said wonderful leaves! Those leaves falling outside your window are a great source of organic material for making compost. Now, I can hear you saying, "I tried to compost my leaves, but it didn't work." Probably most people have had ...More...
Customising A Children's Playhouse
This article will guide you in creating a unique customised playhouse for your garden. It covers paint methods, buying advice and ideas....More...
What Type of Weed Is Yellow Woodsorrel?
Yellow Wood Sorrel or Oxalis stricta is a beneficial weed with many positive attributes. It is pretty, edible and has medicinal qualities. Yellow wood sorrel is a perennial plant native to North America although it can also be found in Europe and Asia. It is considered a weed because it can grow in ...More...
Plant a Tree in Your Garden to Help the Environment
Trees are nature's method of purifying the air. They take the poison gases out of the air replacing it with healthy clean oxygen. Trees take the carbon dioxide from vehicle exhausts and purify the tox...More...
Landforms in Forkland, Alabama
Landforms are natural features of the Earth's landscape. They are not carved by humans and often serve as natural resources. Examples of landforms include glaciers, valleys, mountains, and plains. The state of Arkansas has two forms of natural landscapes: depositional and erosional. The area classif...More...
Is Your Garden Ready for the Year Ahead?
When spring and summer arrive, for gardening enthusiasts everywhere that means gardens are sprouting greenery and flowers of all kinds. Is your garden ready for the two most fruitful seasons of the year? If you ... ...More...
Significance of Taking Appropriate Pest Control Services
Pests can create many problems in your home or office environment. They are not good, in fact they are harmful to your health and property. Pests such as termites can cause severe damage to your ... ...More...
Make Powdery Mildew a Thing of the Past For Your Home Vegetable Garden
If not caught and treated early enough, powdery mildew can cause serious damage to your entire crop. Plants will yield less and all of your hard work will go down the drain, or in this case, the garbage bucket....More...
Fibreglass Roofing And Its Benefits
Fibreglass roofing is widely used due to its numerous benefits and cost effectiveness. These roofs are tough and strong to sustain the harshness of weather and any other damage that may happen due to other factors. You will never complain of leakage problems, dampness on the inner ceilings of your h...More...
Bird Feeder: Best Way To Attract Birds
A lot of people now are fond of bird watching in their own backyards. This is considered as a hobby that can be fun and relaxing especially to nature enthusiasts. As a matter of fact, ... ...More...
What Should Be Considered While Dry Cleaning?
Drain cleaning might appear like a lot of work. A clogged sink can be extremely annoying. It will cause interruptions with the normal flow of kitchen chores and should be prevented at all times....More...
When to Plant Tomato Seeds?
If you don't plant your tomatoes at the right time, you will either get a sick plant or no fruits at all. Now, you don't want that, do you? These tips will help you with planting tomato seeds at the right time and get the maximum yield of fresh fruits....More...
Scenic Trees At The Cottage, Chalet And Home- What Is The Best Time To Prune And Maintain?
The question is often asked as to when be the right and correct time to prune†your trees? This is always a topical and highly relevant important question when it comes to the topic of tree carefor your yard and garden landscapingwhether it is your city house or rural cottage or chalet....More...
How can I Save My Herb Garden?
Can I save my herb garden? Ways to recover the neglected herb garden....More...
Flowers That Mix With Our Roses
There are lots of flowers that are happy to mix with our roses. For spring there is the Snowdrops, Muscari and winter Aconite to name but a few....More...
Paving With Natural Sandstone Materials
Are you eager to make your garden look exclusive and unique, but you are having some constrains over the budget? Then you must not worry about it!! It is not necessary that a garden must ... ...More...
Start Your Garden Yard With Chia Herb Garden Kit
Most homeowners and gardeners enjoy the Chia herb garden kit because it is very easy to grow. They just need to grow the herbs into such height to be able to transplant them in their traditional garden yard. So, understanding and following the instructions of how to use the Chia herb garden kit will...More...
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