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Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder : Health & Medical
Homeopathy and ADHD - A Highly Undersetimated Remedy
Mention homeopathy ADHD treatment and most doctors will turn a deaf ear unless they are homeopaths themselves. The main argument against homeopathy is that the solutions are so highly diluted that the...More...
ADHD Recommendations - How Homeopathy Can Save Your ADHD Child From a Failed Childhood
Imagine putting a child on cocaine! Yes, that is basically what many doctors are doing when they prescribe amphetamine drugs such as Ritalin and Cylert as their ADHD recommendations. Their basic ingre...More...
The Most Common Adhd Symptoms - Why Adhd Overdiagnosis Is A Possibility
When you read about children of three years old being put on an amphetamine drug, you begin to wonder if ADHD is really being overdiagnosed and also being misdiagnosed. How could a child so young even...More...
If Your Child Has ADHD, Have You Had A Proper Diagnosis?
If you think that your child has ADHD, it may not be true at all because the symptoms are often confused with other conditions. In fact up to one million children nationwide may be misdiagnosed!...More...
Alternative Treatments For Children With ADHD - Smart Choices For Parents
What are the alternative treatments for children with ADHD available now? Apart from behavioral therapies which now must be used in any treatment for ADHD, there is a wide range to choose from. dietar...More...
The Darker Side Of Prescription Medicine For ADHD
Have you ever had a look at the major websites for prescription medicine for ADHD medicine? If you do, you will be struck by the very upbeat tone of their information, their flashy widgets and also, o...More...
Don't Miss These Symptoms of ADHD
Read on to learn more about the signs and symptoms of ADD and ADHD....More...
Follow These 7 Tips On How To Find A Life Coach!
It's important to learn everything you can about life coaching services before you find a life coach. Whether you've hit a dead end in life, or simply want something more challenging...More...
Amphetamines - What are Amphetamines
What are amphetamines? Learn more about amphetamines....More...
The Spectrum Structure Revisited
When your teen is making poor decisions and going down the wrong path in life what does a parent do? Internet research is usually the first way a parent will start searching for answers for what is he...More...
Treating Adhd - Facts for Wiser Parents
So, what is the best way of treating ADHD? Is medication effective? The answer to both questions cannot be in black and white but here are a few points to bear in mind when coming to a decision about ...More...
1 in 10 diagnosed with adhd
It is very possible that we see many children every day that have symptoms of ADD or ADHD. In some instances, the disease may be fully manifested and in other instances, it may be dormant, until such ...More...
Healthcare Programs Online
Today, enrolling in healthcare programs online to earn a degree is a great option as the healthcare industry expands. New legislation is expected to enable millions of previously uninsured Americans t...More...
Is There A Magic Pill for ADHD - Guidelines for Parents
Well,if there were a magic pill for ADHD, there wouldn't be any forums or discussion groups on the Internet. No IEP programs at school either and every child growing up to be a responsible and caring ...More...
National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO)
Learn more about the National Association of Professional Organizers ...More...
Adult ADD and Risky Behaviors
Why do adults with ADD sometimes engage in risky behaviors? Read on to learn more about adult ADD and risky behaviors....More...
How to Study When You Have ADD
Finding the best way to study and absorb information is an individualized process, particularly if you have ADHD, but here are some tips that may help....More...
Education in the Middle Ages
To test and create the writing spirit among the 4th or 5th graders, medieval era can be of great inspiration. As among the fourth and fifth graders in Chandler, Arizona activities given underneath pro...More...
Getting Help For ADHD - Avoiding the Pitfalls of Psychostimulants and Looking at the Alternatives
One alarming fact always comes up when we are getting help for ADHD. This is the problem of the misuse of the medications which is now becoming a widespread problem. ADHD users may misuse the drugs th...More...
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- Monday, March/03/2025
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