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Lung Health : Health & Medical
Breathing Problems: Causes, Tests, and Treatments
WebMD discusses some common causes of breathing problems, including allergies and asthma. Learn more about breathing problems and how they're diagnosed and treated....More...
Autoimmune Markers in Pulmonary Fibrosis and Emphysema
Coexisting pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema could be a red flag. Find out why....More...
Asthma Control, Health Care Costs, and Quality of Life
Uncontrolled asthma results in higher health care costs and lower quality of life, a new study reports....More...
Psychological Breathing Problems
Psychological stress can trigger an asthma attack. Asthma and other chronic breathing problems might be linked to your mental health. Breathing problems associated with psychological stress are managed through stress reduction therapies....More...
Bronchoscopic Interventions in the Management of COPD
In the past few years, there have been exciting developments in bronchoscopic efforts at attaining lung volume reduction. Will there be reduced risk when compared with surgical lung volume reductions?...More...
Early Lung Cancer With Lepidic Pattern
Lepidic tumor growth is mirrored by specific characteristics in computed tomography images thus allowing for a combined assessment of histomorphology and imaging data for an optimized classification of lepidic neoplasms....More...
Definition of Metastasis
What does it mean if you are told you have a metastasis of your cancer?...More...
Personalized Medicine in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
Find out how major advances in our understanding of disease pathobiology and improvements in molecular techniques have changed treatment....More...
Inhaled Steroids May Cause Osteoperosis
Long-term use of a drug commonly used to treat asthma and emphysema may lead to the bone-thinning disease osteoporosis....More...
How Is Lung Cancer Different in Women?
Did you know that lung cancer in women is vastly different from lung cancer in men? Check out some of these differences....More...
Health Economic Impact of Disease Management For COPD
Learn more about the vital underpinnings of COPD disease management programs and how they succeed or fail in cutting costs....More...
Windows a Culprit in Air Pollution?
Grime on windows may contain inactive smog chemicals that sunlight activates and releases into the air, say Univ. of Toronto scientists....More...
Cystic Fibrosis Drug Combo May Be Less Effective Than Hoped
One medication seems to partly counteract the other, suggests study on human cells...More...
Exercise Capacity, HRQoL in Asbestos Related Pleural Disease
How is exercise capacity and quality of life affected in those with asbestos related pleural disease?...More...
Coming From Medscape Pulmonary Medicine
Conferences, news, articles, discussions, cases, and more CME...More...
Usefulness of Reinforcing Interventions on CPAP Compliance
Learn how adherence to CPAP therapy changes with and without motivational reinforcement and technical support in the first month of therapy....More...
Definition of Anticipatory Grief
Anticipatory grief is common among people who are facing the death of a loved one. What is the definition of anticipatory grief?...More...
Reducing Readmission for Acute Exacerbation of COPD
It bears repeating: Patients need early post-discharge follow-up visits with pulmonologists to prevent them from landing back in the hospital with an exacerbation of COPD....More...
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Exacerbations
Learn about strategies to reduce the adverse effects of COPD on patients' quality of life and address their fears for the future....More...
What You Should Know About Extensive Small Cell Lung Cancer
What is extensive stage small cell lung cancer, what are the symptoms, what treatments are available, and what is the prognosis?...More...
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