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Pets Cats : Pets & Animal
How to Build Cat Towers
Cats love to run, jump, climb, explore and pounce. Indoor cats need to exercise these skills, but they often lack a place to do so. A cat tower provides an artificial tree, sleeping platforms, and dark recesses from which to hide and pounce. Cat towers should at least chair rail height or taller. Pl...More...
Symptoms of Hypercalcemia in Cats
Hypercalcemia is an abnormally high level of calcium in the blood. The condition is more common in dogs than in cats, but the occurrence of hypercalcemia in cats without an obvious cause is increasing, according to the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA)....More...
Hair Loss in Cats
Hair loss, aka 'Alopecia' is a common problem for cats. Hair loss in cats can stem from many causes, causing it to be sometimes difficult to diagnose and treat. This article by for details the symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment of hair loss in cats....More...
How to Build a Cat Tree Using a Real Tree
Cat trees generally consist of carpet-wrapped wood structures that allow an indoor cat to climb, scratch her nails and play. Usually these structures are made of 4 x 4 lumber, carpet scraps and rope, and often they are not the most attractive features in a room. A crafty person can re-purpose a real...More...
December Cats Picture Gallery: Edwin
We celebrate red cats in our December Picture Calendar, but we love them year-round. December is a great month for snuggling with your cat in front of a crackling fire, particularly if your cat mirrors the colors of the flames. And of course we can't forget that December is red for the color of...More...
2008 Winter Holiday Cats Picture Gallery: Oscar
Cats generally enjoy holidays, and Christmas and the other Winter holidays are no exception. Enjoy these pictures of cats lounging by (or in) the Christmas tree, enjoying other holiday decorations, and sometimes dressed in Christmas finery. This is a new 2008 Winter Holiday Cats Picture Gallery....More...
Cutest Cat Contest Picture Gallery: Bella Mia
Is your cat the cutest cat in the world? is pleased to announce the Cutest Cat Picture Contest. Please read the rules carefully, then submit your Cutest Cat photo by following these Guidelines. ...More...
How to Diagnose Pancreatitis in a Cat
Imagine the scenario: Your adored inside only cat wakes up from a nap and seems to have trouble walking. Then, this playful companion stretches and seems to favor her left rear leg. Instead of playing, she spends most of the day curled in a tight ball and sleeping. Not even her favorite toys or food...More...
March Picture Calendar Gallery Featuring Tabbies
March marks the first month of Spring, when the earth is rich with promises of things to be. Tabby cats are almost as old as Mother earth herself, and are the epitome of Catness in all its wonder and glory. This month we salute our Tabby Cat friends as the cats for March's Cat Picture Calendar ...More...
How to Prepare Your Cat for a Baby
If you are expecting a baby, you know your life is going to change drastically in a few short months--to some extent, it probably already has. But there is no reason for these changes to include getting rid of a beloved house cat, no matter what the old lady down the street keeps telling you. Cats a...More...
Feral Cat Diseases
Feral cats live outdoors and often in colonies.cats image by Zbigniew Nowak from Fotolia.comA feral cat is a feline that lives outdoors and has no owners. Some feral cats are tame, while others are wild, as they have never had human contact. Because they live outdoors and likely receive......More...
How to Start Feeding a Kitten Adult Cat Food
Knowing when and how to feed your kitten adult food can be a great concern. You have the choice of letting your cat "graze" or feeding it at certain times during the day. You also can choose to only allow your cat canned food, dry food or both. You will find differing opinions online on which is the...More...
What Are the Causes of a Cat Spraying on Doors?
Other cats roaming near the house can trigger image by Darren Ager from Fotolia.comA cat sprays when it backs up against a vertical surface such as a door, holds its tail high and sprays urine onto the vertical surface in a few short bursts. The cat stands tall and does not......More...
Betsy's Cell at Kitten to Cat
Internationally-known cat Betsy is looking for her owner. Betsy was living rough on the streets of Richmond, London England when the kind lady who had been feeding her brought her into Kitten to Cats Veterinary Clinic. Betsy has been living there in comparative royalty, loved and pampered by Zeta Fr...More...
Infections Caused by a Cat Scratch
Young cats are more likely to cause 4 image by Dragan Saponjic from Fotolia.comPlaying with a cat can be a lot of fun, however a scratch from a cat can lead to a painful infection or disease. Although it is rare to contract an infection from a cat scratch, it is possible, and......More...
How to Keep Your Cat From Spraying
While male cats spray urine more often than female cats, cats of both genders exhibit this behavior. Cats spray urine for different reasons, such as marking territory or expressing displeasure. Spraying should be differentiated from incontinence, where a cat loses control of its bladder. If your cat...More...
What Are the Treatments for Cellulitis in a Feline's Leg?
Felines are territorial by nature and often get into fights with other cats to protect their turf. The resulting bites and scratches are the most common cause of cellulitis in a feline's leg. Cellulitis is inflammation of deep tissue caused by an infection. When the skin is tight, such as on a leg, ...More...
Make Your Cat Feel Comfortable When Traveling
Unlike dogs, whom seem to enjoy rides with their owners for adventure away from the homefront, cats do not feel so comfortable leaving the comforts of home even for a little while. Trying to go for a ride with your cat can be quite an adventure in itself. Here are some things that you can do to help...More...
Know the Top Rag Doll Cat Breeds and Their Characteristics! Get the Best One For Your Family!
The rag doll cat breed is one of the most famous cat breeds ever found. They have a voluptuous body and weigh a good fifteen pounds if healthy....More...
Royal Canin Side Effects
Royal Canin makes both dog and cat friends image by Stepanov from Fotolia.comRoyal Canin makes both dry and canned pet food for dogs and cats. Its products include diets for all stages of a pet's life, breed-specific diets plus more than 50 veterinary prescription diets. A......More...
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