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Pets Cats : Pets & Animal
Effects of Spaying a Cat
Spaying a cat has many positive image by Pavel Vlasov from Fotolia.comIs the cost of the surgery worth the benefits of spaying your cat? Absolutely! The positive effects of spaying a cat can be clearly measured. Fewer unwanted kittens are born, fewer health issues occur and......More...
Controlling an Alpha Cat - 3 Ways to Tame an Aggressive Feline
Here, we will discuss alpha cat behavior. An alpha cat is a bossy cat who will push you around to get what he wants, whenever he wants. However, there are ways to gain control of an aggressive cat. Find out what they are here!...More...
Does Your Pet Wear a Cat Flea Collar?
Are doing the best you can for your pet by buying a cat flea collar for her? I do but have you noticed that most cat flea collars dont seem to work? They dont appear to last for a day let alone the three or four months that they claim they will. I don't know why this is the case but I can sugge...More...
How to Make a Cat Window Seat
Cats, just like humans, need a change of scenery to keep active and healthy. Installing a cat window seat under a sunny window with a view of the world will help to keep your pet happy and engaged. Making a cat window seat requires very little carpentry skills and few materials. Often, you can recyc...More...
Can a Cat Catch a Cold?
When we catch a cold, we are usually plagued with watery eyes, runny nose, congestion, coughing and sneezing. Anyone who has had cats for any length of time has seen these same symptoms from time to time. But did the cat actually have a cold?...More...
Baytril Information
Baytril (enroflaxin) from Bayer HealthCare's Animal Health Division is a broad-spectrum antibiotic suitable for treating a range of infections in cats and dogs. Its high absorption and quick action make it one of the most prescribed canine and feline antibiotics. Manufactured both as a ninjectable a...More...
How to Stop Cat Scratching Outside His Scratching Post
There are some reasons why cats scratch something. As we all know, a cat scratches certain objects to sharpen his claws. But it is only the second reason. The main reason is, for communication. A cat wants other people to know where he is and what he does....More...
Home Remedies for Cats With Constipation
Regular elimination of waste products through the colon is vital for your cat's health. There are a number of easy to use home remedies for cats with constipation which can cure the problem and reduce any discomfort associated with it. This article examines the most effective ones....More...
Natural Medicine for Cats - Which Essential Oils Are Safe?
Are you in search of natural remedies for your feline friends? If you worry about the side effects of prescriptions from the vet, then this article is for you. Natural medicine for cats will allow you to treat your princes and princesses for things like ticks without the toxins that are present in c...More...
Cat Island: A Fantasy Travel Destination For Any Cat Enthusiast
Cat Island definitely sounds like a fairy tale land, but it is actually a real island off of the coast of Japan. Cat Island, or Tashirojima Island as it is referred to in Japan, is an island that has a larger cat population than human population. These cats are not owned by anyone on the island, and...More...
Natural Treatment For Feline Bladder Infections Addresses the Cause
The best natural treatment for feline bladder infections look for the cause of the problem, rather than simply treating the effect, the infection. There will always be a cause, even though you may have absolutely no idea what that is. That is for a trained practitioner to find....More...
2010 Cats Picture of the Week: T.T. (Trash to Treasure)
For several years now, Cats has featured a Cat Picture of the Week, and this year is no exception. Photos are chosen from submittals to any of the *other* picture galleries on this site (most often from the featured gallery of the month). My criteria is the quality of the photo, and the ca...More...
Prevent Feline UTI With a Raw Food Diet (Part I)
One diet option that is very successful in stopping feline UTIs is a raw meat diet for your cat. ...More...
The Stages of Peaches
To successfully grow peaches it is important to understand the different growing stages they grow through. Once temperatures reach 0 degrees Fahrenheit after a warming period, both peach trees and their buds sustain damage, according to the University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension. This is...More...
Love Cats? Learn Why Not Everyone Shares Your Feelings
Inconceivable as it may sound to cat lovers, there are some people who dislike cats, or actually claim to hate them. Learn some of the reasons for fear or downright hatred of cats with this list of 7 reasons people don't like cats....More...
Cutest Cat Contest Finalist Picture Gallery: Cinder
The Cutest Cat Contest Semi-Finalist poll has concluded and the Readers' Choice winner has been decided. That cat now joins the five Judges' Choice contenders in a race for the Cutest Cat of 2009 title. Cutest Cat Finalist Cinder is featured here....More...
Male Cats' Sexuality
Male cats reach sexual maturity at 9 months of age, on average (range 7-12 months). This could lead to inappropriate sexual behaviors....More...
Treating a Cat's Bladder Problem Effectively
Pet supplements can treat a cat's bladder problem quickly and effectively. In addition, it's a good idea to learn about treatment options and how to prevent this problem from happening in the future....More...
How to Fluff a Persian
Persian cats have pushed up noses and big, round eyes with long hair that enhances their beauty. They tend to have easygoing personalities, which makes them a cat-lovers favorite. They need grooming on a daily basis, depending on the length of their coat. The longer the hair, the more attention it w...More...
Urinary Tract Infection in Cats
If you think that only human beings can be afflicted with urinary tract infection or UTI, then you just might be surprised to learn that cats do suffer from such an infection as well. In fact, studies show that more cats suffer from UTI than dogs....More...
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