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Pets Cats : Pets & Animal
What Cats Are Best for Allergy Sufferers?
Certain breeds of cat might be more suitable for people with allergies.sllepy sphynx image by Alexandra Gnatush-Kostenko from Fotolia.comHaving a cat allergy can be frustrating for a pet lover. Although there are breeds of cat that are less likely to provoke cat allergies, no breed is......More...
How the Experts Choose Between an Indoor Or an Outdoor Cat
You will need to consider the type of companionship you want from your cat and where you live and your lifestyle before deciding whether yours should be an indoor or an outdoor cat. As a responsible pet owner, you should decide whether you will let your new cat outdoors before you introduce him into...More...
A Cat's Behavior with Separation Anxiety
According to, cats suffer from separation anxiety just as dogs do. Cats form very strong bonds with their owners and other animals and are often affected when left alone, especially for very long periods of time. Many cats have separation anxiety because of genetic factors or genera...More...
Treatments for Cats' Torn-Out Claws
When your cat has torn out a claw your immediate response may be to panic. According to, torn or broken nails are quite common in cats and rarely life-threatening. The key to treating a torn-out claw is an immediate response and proper care....More...
Comparison of Kennel-Aire, Life Stages & Petmate Dog Crates
Dog crates are often used to assist in traveling with pets, as well as housebreaking them and giving them a place to stay when you are away from home. They come in wire and plastic varieties and can also include special features such as food and water trays, multiple doors and slide-out bottoms. Whi...More...
How to Stop Your Cat From Urinating and Defecating Inappropriately
Though spraying can be a symptom of a medical condition, it can also be due to stress associated with a new person in the home, new carpet, remodeling or the presence of a neighbor cat. Here's how to redirect your cat to the litter box....More...
About Complications With Feline Diabetes
Feline diabetes should be image by nutech21 from Fotolia.comFeline diabetes is a fairly common, although rather complicated, disease. Complications generally occur if the disease is not properly treated. Additionally, health problems are linked with feline diabetes;......More...
How to Maintain Your Cat Urinary Health to Prevent Cat Urinary Tract Blockage
Cat urinary tract blockage mainly comes from a) cats fed an unhealthy over-processed diet and b) feeding too much food. The risk factors are; 1. Cats two to five years old have a higher incidence of a cat urinary tract blockage. 2. Male and neutered male cats......More...
The Tail Types of Japanese Bobtails
The Japanese bobtail is a bread of cat named and known for its atypical bobbed tail, resulting from a genetic mutation caused by a recessive gene. Though native to the Far East, they are now bred and live all over the world. And though one might be able to pick a Japanese bobtail out of a lineup due...More...
How to Tell the Sex of a Cat
One of the most frequently asked questions about cats is "how can I tell the sex of a cat." It's often much easier to "sex" a kitten after the first few month, but you can make a good stab at it if you know your punctuation marks. Learn more with this article from
Ways to Train A Cat
Cat training isn't as easy as dog training, cat are usually independent and strong willed. Yet some owners get a great deal out this task, they believe training builds a strong bond between you and your kitty. Not only will you enjoy kitty training, believe it not so will your furry friend....More...
What to Get Your Cat for Christmas
Gifts your cat would like for Christmas.Three hazards that endanger cat from during the holidays. Low cost or no cost Christmas cat treats. How feline demonstrate holiday cheer....More...
How to Train Staffers - The Ragdoll Perspective
From a Ragdoll's perspective, finding good human staffers is more art than science.Training your staffers...once you've selected the opposite.It's more science than art. It takes time, love, and patience to train them.Selected properly, however, human staffers can be trained...More...
Hairball Problems in Cats
Most people believe a cat with a hair ball problem is no big deal, you just need to clean up the mess and it's over. But if hairballs become a chronic condition in your cat you need to take some steps to correct this or it may cause serious problem....More...
Choosing the Right Vet For Your Cat Insurance
Choosing the right vet for your cat is just as important as choosing your own primary care physician. Here are a few ways to make sure that you choose a veterinarian who fits in with your pet and your pet's health insurance policy....More...
Adopting Your First Kitten
Are you getting a new kitten soon? Prepare your self and your house now, and prevent anxiety and running around at the last minute. This article will tell you what you need to know to be ready to bring your new kitten home....More...
3 Rarely Known Home Hazards for Cats
Carbon Monoxide is a deadly poisonous gas which is toxic to both humans and cats. Learn how to help prevent long-term damage with a CO detector, and the emergency steps to take if you suspect your cat has inhaled excessive amounts of carbon monoxide....More...
Physical Symptoms of Cat Death
The death of a pet can be particularly traumatic as pets are most often viewed as being part of the family. If you sense that your cat is ailing, take it to an animal hospital immediately. If you, however, find your cat seemingly deceased, then check for the following physical symptoms for a definit...More...
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