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Pets Cats : Pets & Animal

How to Control Cat Clawing

Clawing is a very natural behavior in cats. It is how they keep their claws, sharp and neat. It also feels good and is a form of activity for your cat. In fact, even cats without claws can be found "clawing" different surfaces on occasion. Of course, clawing is more of a problem when your cat does h...More...

Polydactyl Cats Picture Gallery: Daja

Whether called "polydactyls," "Hemingway Cats," or "Mittens," these many-toed cats warm the hearts and hearths of those people fortunate to share a home with one. The extra toes on polydactyl cats produce very wide feet which have been variously described as resembling ...More...

Factors to Consider When Selecting Breeds of Cats

There are many different breeds of cats from all over the world. When selecting a particular cat breed, you will want to consider many factors of the breeds. Important aspects would include cat origin, body type, coat and fur pattern, allergy sensitivity, grooming maintenance and your family lifesty...More...

How to Calm Aggressive Cat Behavior

According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, aggressive cats not only have the potential to inflict harm on owners and other pets with their sharp claws and teeth, they can also cause lacerations and infections. To keep your cat calm and relaxed, determine the cause of...More...

Guidelines How To Litter Train Your Cat

Cats are usually known to be clean in nature. They don't want their fur to get dirty. A lot of pet owners train their kittens how to keep this behavior. You can teach them how to throw the garbage to the trash can accordingly. This is a good behavior that your kitten must learn as early as poss...More...

Declawing Cats - It's Time for Change

Some months ago when I was fostering a couple of very scared, semi-feral, kittens who were a little prone to scratching I was chatting to a workmate whose instinctive response was, 'Why don't you just get them declawed?' This wasn't said with any sarcasm or indeed any malicious i...More...

Cats Can Now Get Swine Flu Too!

Apparently, the first house cat on record in the United States to have swine flu was discovered by a vet in Iowa. Does this mean you should be careful around cats during flu season? Most veterinarians do not believe so, and they believe that this cat got the flu as it was too close to humans, that h...More...

Are Kids and Cats a Good Mix?

Some parents are happy for their children to sleep with the cat curled up at the foot of their child's bed. Other parents are horrified by the thought of all the dirt and germs, not to mention the thought of suffocation. Who is right? Are kids and cats a good mix?...More...

Do Electronic Pest Controllers Really Work?

Electronic pest controllers are available as ultrasonic or subsonic devices that are supposed to repel pests and rodents, while causing no harm to household pets, such as gerbils, hamsters, dogs and cats....More...

How Can I Tell the Difference Between a Girl & Boy Kitten?

Determining the gender of a new kitten can prove a tricky endeavor, particularly when the cat is very young. This has led to many a young male cat beginning life with a female name and vice versa before the cat's owner realizes the mistake. But once you know the basics of a cat's external reproducti...More...

How to Discipline Two Rambunctious Kittens

Cats are well-known for being curious creatures and, especially when they are kittens, their curiosity can get them into a lot of trouble. Rambunctious kittens can take over a household, destroying furniture and driving you crazy. In order to avoid this scenario, learn the basics of cat training and...More...

Cat Door - A Cat Lover's Guide

If you've grown annoyed of having to let your cat out when it wants to, then you should think about getting a cat door. Most of these kitty flaps - chances are you've seen one - are merely plastic flaps; they can be weighed down so they won't flap to the wind, or be held in place with...More...

Cats' Special Spots Picture Gallery: Vegas's One Black Toe

While we love our cats from head to toe to tail tip, most of us have a favorite spot on our cat that is so endearing we want to kiss it every time we see it. Join with us in oooohing and awwwwing over these photos of our cats' special spots....More...

Your Cat's Not Eating - What to Do

When your cat stops eating or starts eating less it can be a cause for concern. Before you start worrying, take a look at some of the simple things that could be putting your cat off their food. Firstly check that their bowls are clean, why would they want to eat out of a dirty bowl, just like us, t...More...

Glucose Digestion in Cats

The food you feed your cat each day is broken down into glucose during the digestion process. Glucose is fuel for your cat's body, necessary to sustain life. In order to keep your cat healthy and disease-free, it helps to understand how a cat's body digests several different types of foods, includin...More...

How Cats Use Their Tails to Communicate

Your cat's tail can tell you a lot about what sort of mood your cat is in. I love studying my cats and watching them for a long period of time. I find I am learning more about them through their body language which helps me understand them better. Find out what that swishing or twitching tale m...More...

What is Responsible Cat Diarrhea Treatment?

Responsible cat diarrhea treatment is the set of steps that we need to take as loving cat owners to stop our kitty's upset stomach in the best possible way. Cat diarrhea is a very common condition. Some cats have more sensitive stomachs than others and therefore suffer from upsets more often....More...