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Pets Cats : Pets & Animal
Make a Difference for a Feral Cat With These 7 Tips
Feral cats lead a vagabond life with numerous dangers all around them. If they evade packs of dogs or speeding cars, there are humans who may try to kill them. You can make a difference for a feral cat in your neighborhood by following these 7 tips....More...
What Kind of Foam Boards Should Be Used for an Outdoor Pet Shelter?
Ideally a pet shelter should be constructed using rigid foam board to protect pets from extreme temperatures outside. Rigid foam insulation board can stop air movement, is moisture resistant and it won't blow or shift out of place once it's installed. This makes it the perfect insulator to use to bu...More...
What Makes the Perfect Cat Tree?
A cat tree's main purpose is to entertain your feline and provide a place to act out their instinctual behaviors. The ideal cat tree should have some key features to make it the perfect play structure....More...
Cat Tricks - Tips on Training Your Cat
Have you ever wondered how people get their cats to do tricks? It is quite easy if you follow just a few simple guidelines....More...
How to Get Rid of Dried Cat Urine Odors
When a cat has an accident outside its litter box, the smell of urine can remain offensive even after a proper cleaning. Because cat urine contains proteins the smell is much stronger and requires cleaners that can break down and remove the protein. The presence of ammonia in the urine also contribu...More...
When in the Pregnancy of a Cat Do the Nipples Swell?
If there's a chance your kitty was successful in getting a date with the neighbor's tomcat during her heat cycle, then there's more than a chance that she'll become a mother. With a short gestation period of only eight to 10 weeks, Felicity will be almost halfway to the end of her term before she st...More...
5 Easy Steps on How to Toilet Train My Cat
Uncover how to train a cat to use the toilet.Never have to empty another litter tray again!...More...
Motherly Instinct in Male Cats
Is it possible for a male castrated cat to develop a motherly instinct? Yes, it is, because of the dominance of the estrogen hormone in his body after the source of testosterone hormones is removed. A male cat can be a good "mother" to a kitten....More...
2009 Valentine Cats Picture Gallery: Chippy & Peaches
Although our bond with our cats goes on beyond life itself, on Valentine Day, we celebrate our love for them, theirs for us, and for other cats they bond with. These cat-enhanced Valentine cards were sent by our community of readers of the Cats site, and I invite you to enjoy them as I do....More...
Littermaid Plus Troubleshooting
The Littermaid Plus is an automatic self-cleaning litter box. The sensor detects when the cat leaves the box, activating the air cleaner until the rake cycle is complete. The rake pushes the waste into a sealable container immediately after use. As convenient as this unit is, however, you may sti...More...
Meloxicam for Cats
Meloxicam is one of the few medication options veterinarians use to help control postoperative pain and inflammation in cats. Even with its onetime approved use in cats, meloxicam must be used with caution in cats, and owners need to watch for any signs of meloxicam reactions or side effects if thei...More...
2010 Black Cat Picture Gallery: Spooky
Black cats have traditionally been associated with Halloween, so we honor black cats with photos during October. Of course, aficionados of these Parlor Panthers adore black cats year-round. If you haven't yet had your fill of black cat photos, feast your eyes on the previous galleries....More...
Things to Consider Before Owning a Cat
Cats can make great pets, they have personalities of their own and can be a brilliant companion for families or older children. But what things are important to consider before owning a cat? It is important to take many things into account before giving your feline friend a new home....More...
Feeding a Cat Before Flying
After making your airline reservation for your cat, you need to prepare it for its flight. Obtain an airline-approved carrier for your pet to travel in, with accessible food and water dishes. Depending on how your cat will fly, either via cargo or with you in-cabin, feed it according to airline regu...More...
What To Do About Lingering Cat Urine Smells
When you are a cat owner, you do not want your home to start to smell like a litter box. There are many things that you can do about that lingering urine smell when you have cats in your home....More...
Two Kittens Picture Gallery: Jackalope and Blueberries
If you are thinking about getting a kitten, you should know that two kittens are better than one, for a number of reasons. Enjoy these photos submitted by readers of their own living proof that two kittens are better than one, then submit photos of your own two kittens....More...
Healthy Glucose Levels for Cats
When glucose levels in cats increase, cats develop a variety of symptoms indicative of diabetes. Fortunately, most diabetic cats may have a good prognosis thanks to insulin injections and careful monitoring of their glucose levels....More...
2014 Cat Pictures of the Week: Abby
Special needs cats are featured as Cat Pictures of the Week in April. Our first featured cat this month is Abby, a special needs cat with inflammatory bowel disease, and a heart murmur. ...More...
2008 Cats Olympics Picture Gallery: Gus & Bird, Synchronized Sleeping Team
Cats all over the world have been perfecting their skills at Cat Olympic events, such as Synchronized Sleeping, Power Yawning, Sumo Wrestling, and Broad Jumps. Unlike human Olympics, which are of a short duration, the 2008 Cat Olympics will continue through the end of the year. New entries are welco...More...
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