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Pets Cats : Pets & Animal
How to Go Outside on "Nazi Zombies"
"Nazi Zombies" is a game mode first introduced in the "Call of Duty: World at War" video game by Treyarch and Activision Publishing. "Call of Duty: Black Ops" is the most recent game to incorporate the same mode. In "Nazi Zombies," the purpose of the game is to survive as many rounds of zombies as p...More...
How Many Types of Siamese Cats Are There?
Siamese cats are among the most beautiful and beguiling cats in the world. Their brilliant blue eyes and muted cream and brown fur are stunning. They are also known for their intelligence, social temperament and their gentleness with children, making them a popular family pet. It is thought that tod...More...
Two Kittens Picture Gallery: Velma and Felix
If you are thinking about getting a kitten, you should know that two kittens are better than one, for a number of reasons. Enjoy these photos submitted by readers of their own living proof that two kittens are better than one, then submit photos of your own two kittens....More...
When to Spay a Kitten
Cat overpopulation is a daunting problem for animal lovers. No matter how many alley cats are brought in off the streets, thousands more are homeless, hungry, and not likely to find a nice warm home anytime soon. One thing all pet owners can do to lower the number of future homeless kittens is to sp...More...
A Home Remedy for Anal Sacs in Cats
Located at the 4 o'clock and 8 o'clock positions on either side of the anus, anal sacs hold a mixture of oil and sweat. Your cat normally releases this strongly scented fluid through a small duct along the inner anal edge each time it defecates. Cats producing small stool may not put adequate pressu...More...
Polydactyl Cats Picture Gallery: Benny
Whether called "polydactyls," "Hemingway Cats," or "Mittens," these many-toed cats warm the hearts and hearths of those people fortunate to share a home with one. The extra toes on polydactyl cats produce very wide feet which have been variously described as resembling ...More...
Feral Cat TNR - Tending the Sick
With the help of several in my Houston neighborhood, I am part of a feral cat TNR (Trap/Neuter (Spay)/Return program with a colony of approximately thirty wild cats who have made their home at an abandoned house nearby. To date, we have caught twenty-six felines over several weeks of trapping, with ...More...
Cat Lover Gifts - For Him and For Her
Selecting the right gift for that special cat lover seems easy enough. But if you've never bought a cat lover gift, it can seem tricky. Here are several gift ideas to help you in your search....More...
Diet for Cats With Asthma
Cat asthma, also called Feline Allergic Bronchitis, resembles human asthma. According to website Feline Asthma, holistic veterinarians believe that by changing your cat's diet you can help fight and even suppress her asthma....More...
Cats' Urinary Problems
Cats are subject to a number of urinary conditions that can cause problems, such as frequent urination, blocked urination, painful urination, blood in urine or inability to empty. Urinary problems can be very serious in male cats and can lead to your pet's death. Some ongoing urinary problems can b...More...
Cat Problems Post Spaying
While spaying your cat is beneficial in many ways--it keeps cat populations down, reduces incidents of needless euthanasia and decreases your cat's chances of getting cancer and contracting diseases, according to the WebMD Healthy Pets Guide--there are several post-op concerns that cat owners shoul...More...
Tuxedo Cat Information
Tuxedo cats are attractive and fun to have around. While not specifically a breed, the specific coat pattern of tuxedo cats makes them immediately identifiable....More...
Raw Feeding: Arguments Against Raw Food
It is always a good idea to look at both sides of the picture, so I've looked into the case against raw feeding cats: to date the most extensive articles I've read are published by manufacturers of pet food. The arguments against a diet of raw meat address two issues: the safety of raw foo...More...
How to Clean the Cat Smell Out of Carpet
Fully removing cat urine odors form carpets is the only way to deter them from using the same area again. When a cat first urinates on a carpet, it usually doesn't begin to smell until it begins to decompose. As the urine dries it crystallizes and bonds with carpeting and other surfaces, making it d...More...
Hoof & Mouth Disease and Cats
Hoof and Mouth Disease is a highly contagious animal disease sometimes known as Foot and Mouth Disease. Livestock with cloven hoofs like cattle, goats, sheep and pigs are susceptible to the disease. Horses, however, are not. If you are a cat owner, you do not have to worry about your feline's catchi...More...
Are Human Vitamins Harmful to Cats If Ingested?
Humans take vitamins to supplement their diet and improve their health. Cats, like humans, need to consume vitamins as well; however, using a product intended for a human on a cat is never a good idea....More...
How to Give Your Cat What It Needs
Caring for your cat does not have to be difficult and you can provide the things it needs to stay healthy and happy without breaking the bank. Just think about the love and fun and joy your cat brings you. Caring for your cat should be a pleasant experience. There are five important areas to consid...More...
Diseases Found in Cats
There are many diseases in cat that are treatable. Few diseases from cats will spread to humans, and many will not end in their death unless they go untreated by a veterinarian....More...
Kitten Diary: Sprinkles at 6 Weeks
Ev Russell, of Kinross Folds, shares the progress of a litter of kittens from birth to one month and beyond. Enjoy this Kitten Diary illustrate with pictures of three Scottish Fold kittens and watch these kittens grow, day by day, week by week....More...
Advanced Kidney Disease in Cats
Advanced kidney disease can leave cats dehydrated and lethargic, causing many pet owners to worry. This disease leads to kidney failure, also known as chronic renal failure, and education about advanced kidney disease can help owners find the treatment option that will give their cats the energy to ...More...
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