Vitamins to Help You Look & Feel Younger
- Vitamin C is probably the most potent antioxidant.
A diet rich in vitamin C may lower your risk of developing certain types of cancer. In fact, some studies have shown that vitamin C appears to be toxic to cancer cells (Grumman, 2009). Environmental factors - smoking, sun exposure, pollution - break down vitamin C in the skin. (Sun exposure is the worst, breaking down vitamin C levels by 30 percent) (Warner, 2003). Using a topical vitamin C cream or gel daily -- before your sunscreen -- can help preserve your skin. Vitamin C even helps create more collagen, making the skin appear plumper. - Vitamin E is an effective antioxidant found naturally in vegetables oils, grains, oats, dairy products and nuts.
Scientists calculate that sun exposure causes 90 percent of age-related skin damage (Spilner, 2009). Applying a topical vitamin E gel or lotion helps prevent the creation of free radicals (nasty electron-stealing, collagen-destroying molecules) caused by sun exposure.
BONUS: Taking vitamin E and C together may lessen your risk of developing Alzheimer's disease by as much as 64 percent! (Grumman, 2009). In terms of mental health, you couldn't do anything better to stay young. - Omega-3 keep your skin silky and your mind sharp!
Increasing your intake of omega-3 will keep your skin looking young and will increase brain power. Omega 3 is an essential fatty acid that helps every cell in your body -- including your skin. Your body can't make omega-3, so your body has to constantly replenish it from food intake. Foods such as oily fish (e.g., salmon, trout, sardines, tuna and mackerel) are high in essential fatty acids. - Selenium also helps to increase the effectiveness of vitamin E.
Selenium is a mineral that protects the body from cancers. It maintains skin elasticity and delays the signs of aging. Selenium can be taken in capsule form, but it is also present in whole grain cereals, garlic, eggs and seafood.
Selenium helps fight many age-related diseases. In two recent studies, it was revealed that taking only 200mcg of selenium every day decreased the chance of prostate cancer by 63 percent, colorectal tumors by 58 percent, and lung cancer by 48 percent. Combined, the death rate from cancer of people taking selenium was found to be 39 percent lower than the general population (World Health Net, 2005). - Take vitamins to keep arthritis away.
According to the Johns Hopkins Arthritis Center, patients who are diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis lack certain vitamins. The most common mineral deficiencies include folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamins B6 and B12, vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, zinc and selenium (Hudnall, 1999; John Hopkins, 2009).
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Vitamin Deficiencies and Rheumatoid Arthritis