The Logic of Faith
We live in a world that demands from us a constant definition of the self.
A lack of understanding of our real mission on earth sometimes leads us into a lot of misconceptions and strains us in our conviction.
What is it to have conviction? How can we have conviction? There are certain basic things we must learn.
We must carry the ability to weigh things clearly and dispassionately.
The human being struggles most times to earn objectivity in his reasoning.
He must have the willingness to see the logic of what he is seeing or he is told before he can come to a clearer understanding.
Does faith need logic? Yes it does! Creation is logical.
It is the basis of our conviction because if we see it as logical then it is easy to accept it.
Being logical does not immediately make you an atheist.
We accept the logic that what you sow is what you will reap.
It really does not matter what religion you profess to, it is illogical to expect to reap apples if you planted corn.
Even miracles will be a hard sell if it did not have logic in it.
It is logical to make a fair assessment of someone you just met by assessing the company he keeps.
That is why we say, birds of the same feathers flock together.
You would not expect to find ravens flying in tandem with eagles will you? It would be illogical.
Progress is assumed to propel you upwards.
That is the essence of all our struggles.
We are born, we get work, we want to improve the status of our lives.
We look at success from different prisms.
It is a logical assumption that every human being has dreams, to be better in his aspirations and to have these dreams actualized.
We know, that Justice is the epitome of logical reasoning, looking at facts and coming to a logical conclusion that this is right or that is wrong.
Justice ensures trust in a system and encourages confidence that the steps to paradise are sequential and not arbitrary.
Man's progression is logical, birth, growth, maturing, and degeneration.
When we are permitted to experience these laws, these concepts of the eternal laws, then we are able to come to the logical conclusion of the stability of continuity and progression.
Belief can only come about through experience.
It is those things we have experienced that helps to ensure our faith.
It is our faith that can give us conviction.
If you are told that a slap is painful, you could believe or not, but you have a conviction of it only if you had once experienced the pain of a slap! That is logical.
It will be illogical otherwise.
Creation is an ordered logic of the Creator in response to our request to experience the possibility of His proximity.
We profess weak faith only when we cannot move our conviction into vibrant faith.
Take a walk in your thoughts, watch the many vibrant living colours of your experiences, see in the glint of a tear, the brightness of a smile, the sound of your thumping heart and you will experience life.
Being logical does not bar your faith, it can only enhance it.
There is logic in faith, which comes from experiencing.
When you give yourself the opportunity to see how the laws of Creation explains why certain things can happen, why you could only be incarnated amongst a group of people.
The logic of the eternal laws explains why all the things that have happened to us, globally, nationally and at community level happens the way.
There is logic in why one person is poor or the other is healthy.
It is the logic of the eternal laws fulfilling itself!
A lack of understanding of our real mission on earth sometimes leads us into a lot of misconceptions and strains us in our conviction.
What is it to have conviction? How can we have conviction? There are certain basic things we must learn.
We must carry the ability to weigh things clearly and dispassionately.
The human being struggles most times to earn objectivity in his reasoning.
He must have the willingness to see the logic of what he is seeing or he is told before he can come to a clearer understanding.
Does faith need logic? Yes it does! Creation is logical.
It is the basis of our conviction because if we see it as logical then it is easy to accept it.
Being logical does not immediately make you an atheist.
We accept the logic that what you sow is what you will reap.
It really does not matter what religion you profess to, it is illogical to expect to reap apples if you planted corn.
Even miracles will be a hard sell if it did not have logic in it.
It is logical to make a fair assessment of someone you just met by assessing the company he keeps.
That is why we say, birds of the same feathers flock together.
You would not expect to find ravens flying in tandem with eagles will you? It would be illogical.
Progress is assumed to propel you upwards.
That is the essence of all our struggles.
We are born, we get work, we want to improve the status of our lives.
We look at success from different prisms.
It is a logical assumption that every human being has dreams, to be better in his aspirations and to have these dreams actualized.
We know, that Justice is the epitome of logical reasoning, looking at facts and coming to a logical conclusion that this is right or that is wrong.
Justice ensures trust in a system and encourages confidence that the steps to paradise are sequential and not arbitrary.
Man's progression is logical, birth, growth, maturing, and degeneration.
When we are permitted to experience these laws, these concepts of the eternal laws, then we are able to come to the logical conclusion of the stability of continuity and progression.
Belief can only come about through experience.
It is those things we have experienced that helps to ensure our faith.
It is our faith that can give us conviction.
If you are told that a slap is painful, you could believe or not, but you have a conviction of it only if you had once experienced the pain of a slap! That is logical.
It will be illogical otherwise.
Creation is an ordered logic of the Creator in response to our request to experience the possibility of His proximity.
We profess weak faith only when we cannot move our conviction into vibrant faith.
Take a walk in your thoughts, watch the many vibrant living colours of your experiences, see in the glint of a tear, the brightness of a smile, the sound of your thumping heart and you will experience life.
Being logical does not bar your faith, it can only enhance it.
There is logic in faith, which comes from experiencing.
When you give yourself the opportunity to see how the laws of Creation explains why certain things can happen, why you could only be incarnated amongst a group of people.
The logic of the eternal laws explains why all the things that have happened to us, globally, nationally and at community level happens the way.
There is logic in why one person is poor or the other is healthy.
It is the logic of the eternal laws fulfilling itself!